The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)



REDISTRICTING BILL THAT WILL BE CHOSEN. Senator Wen Wants to Make Licking Reservoir iv State Resolution to Abolish the Permanent Encampment Grounds. 5i; a for these imitations and substitutes, they are poor stuff at tlie best and increase your Simmons Liver Regulator only. You will it by the brge red on the face of every package and by the relief it gives taken for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Biliousness and Sick Headache. Seventieth GPIKTU! Assptiibly.

COT.UMHUS, 0., Feb. 2. Kr. Southard, ol' Union, introduced a bill in the llousft to redistrict.he state for Congressional purpos measure there would ordinarily be fif- the act of March, 1891, providing fora permanent 0. N.

(1. camp ground, should be repealed and the citixcns of Licking county reimbursed for all expenditures they have incurred in consequence of that law. Senator Van Cleaf, of Pickaway, gave notice to discuss and the resolution went, over under the rules. IMPORTANT INSURANCE BILL. Mr.

Shaw, of Auglaize, introduced a bill in the Senate to regulate the payment of life insurance policies. It provides that no policy of life or endowment insurance issued to a citizen of this state after the first of "June, 1892, by any company authorized to do business in Ohio shall become forfeited or void for redismct the state imi pavmel premiums after two full UB'iftr annual premiums have been paid there- teen Republican and six Democratic Consressmen elected from this state. The'distriftts provided for in Mr. Southard's bill are as follows: First. First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh.

Eighth. Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Eighteenth, Twenty- sixth aud Twenty-seventh wards of Cincinnati, and the townships of Symmes, Sycamore, Spencer. Anderson and Columbia, and the Northeast, Southeast, St. Bernard, Bond Hill and Elmore precincts of Mill Creek township. Second.

The balance of Hamilton county. Third. Miami, Montgomery and Preble counties. Fourth. Darke, Shelby, Mercer, Auglaize and Allen counties.

Fifth. Van Wert. Putnam, Henry, Paulding. Defiance and William coun- Sixth. Fulton, Lucas, "Wood and Ottawa counties.

Seventh. Butler. Warren, Greene, The Best snd Purest Medicine in DON'T WAIT Tf m-v II licy never fail to cure Clermout and Clinton counties. Eighth. Logan.

Champaign, Clark, Madison and Fayette counties. Ninth. Hanco*ck, llavdin, Marion, Morrow, Delaware and Union counties. Tenth. Wyandot.

Crawford, Seneca, Sandusky and Erie counties. Eleventh. Lawivnco, (iallia, Jackson, RUSSIAN FAMINE. THE ACTUAL CONDITION OF THE SUFFERERS. According: to a Report Prepared from the Evidence of Eye Witnesses ami Furnished by the Minister at St.

Petersburg WILL RIVAL THE ADAMS. WASHINGTON, Feb. response to many sympathetic inquiries and proffers of aid "received from friends in the United States, the department of state i at St. A New Express Company that Will Business May 1. ASBURY PARK, N.

Feb. John Hoey, of the Adams Express Company, it is stated, has a nice little surprise "party that he will spring upon the Adams Express Company on May 1 next. On that- day a new express company to be known as the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Company will launch out as a formidable rival to the powerful corporation so long managed bv Mr. Hoev. As a starter, the new ex- at general.

The first thirteen provinces in area are one-third greater than all Germany premium on in cash or notes. It further provides for the manner of fixing the value ot the policy after the payments have been made. G'pou default of subsequent pay- i ments such policies become binding on companies for an amount of paid up insurance equal to the net value of the policy for which the sum paid as a premium would cover. A similar bill introduced in the last legislature by Mr. Shaw, but it failed to pass.

MAUIUTY OK STOCKHOLDERS. A bill was introduced in the by Mr. McMakin, of Butler, which proposes to make stockholders in corporations liable for the face value of their instead of twice that amount. BAD FOR SENATORIAL MANAGERS. Mr.

Warner, of Logan, introduced A bill in tbe Mouse which relates to Ohio senatorial contests in a decidedly novel way. It provides that "whoever attempts, either by request or suggestion, to influence for himself or for another, the choice of any member or members of the general assembly, after the date of their election to the same, for or p. fa hist anv person or candidate men- I 1 i' il i 1J.1V1 JilVWO. tinned or proposed for election to tlie An ffi i a estimate of the number of United States Senate, shall be lined tor those without food means of support has received from the Petersburg an interesting report of the actual conditions of the stricken chs- tricts of Russia prepared from evidence of eye-witnesses and most trustworthy sources, of which the following is epitome: The territory afflicted by the drought comprises thirteen provinces of European Russia, where the famine is press company has secured the entire territory covered by the Pennsylvania and its various business being now con- Adams people. They will secure an entrance into all the southern states via the Southern Express company, who are warm friends of the new corporation.

The new express com- 1 ill managed by Mr. Hoey, who lis backers such men as President George B. Roberts and Vice President A. .1. Cassatt and Frank Thompson of the Per ra ii roa Tne avticlo ot were pre- ON A REEF.

THE GERMAN STEAMSHIP EIDER GOES ASHORE. In a She Drifts Out of Course in a Highly Dangerous Place. Her She Across a Reef Near the Isle The Passengers and Mail are Taken Off Safelv. of 0 J. ilJiJVlJJiJJO L'iVH vy They cover an area equal to slates 5 Dre xe i Morgan of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Yo 10 are said to be heavy Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecti- kbol low in tlie new venture.

A cut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl- vania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Kentucky, all together. This population is about equal tO or about 27,000. This vast section is agricultural and the richest and ordinarily the most fruitful soil of Russia, The destitution is not universal as there are those whose accumniulations have saved them from want and there are some spots preserved from blight by irrigation where a good i harvest was reaped, but at the best esti- mate, the proportion of suffering is enormous. each and everv offense, not less than $200 nor more than $500. A person convicted under this section is disquali- Vintou, llockinsi.

Perry arid Scott coun-j lied from holding any public office of ln st or profit under the authority of Puehland, Pike, Brown, i this state or for five years thereafter; and if at the time holding such position, he Ad-unsand Picksiway counties. Franklin, Licking Fairtield counties. Fourteenth Lorain. Huron, Ashland, and Knox couniies. Fifteenth Morgan.

Guernsey, prominent railroad official who is acquainted with the facts of the new concern said that it would be, but a short time ere the new company will have offices in all the principal cities in this countrv. TOLEDO IS IN IT. Her Ease Ball Clnl) Will Be "With Columodt in thft Wpsf.ern Leairne. TOI.KPO, Feb. Toledo will be in the Western League to her rival.

Columbus. clo battle with Messrs. C. M. Evans and OK II.

Sclnnelz. of the Columbus club, quietly visited the city and were closeted with Toledo representatives headed by Valentine Ket chain. who ha? managed the last three Toledo clubs. The meeting was brief and to the point. Toledo "enthusiasts became- I 1.

V. 'w and shall be removed irom office or employ- a ij ure oftliis year it evident and, Mr. 1 1 'Smith adds, positive that unless equal relief can be supplied the great suffering who require aid is given as 14.000,000 persons and this is probablv below the rS faHen short of the average, and tbe deficiency of the past season left the storehouses nigh empty ami with the increased ment by order of court. THE MITE. As has been' customary in case of the eath of a member of 'the Legislature, oi' the late Washington.

Athens and Meigscounties, Henry P. Camp, widow Coshocton, from Medina .1 ''-'-ont A. I'. tor bcbt medical work, Blck Headache and reliovo all tho ttOfr tlcat to a bilious atato of system, euoh fiS UizzincsE, ITausca, Drowsinesn. Diatress luter eating.

Pain in tho Si.lo, White thoir moefl tcmnrlcablo ouccC433 has bocu ahown in Gi et Cartor'6 Llttto Livr Pfflfl vrhooncotry fhvl thcso llttlopiilsvaUt- nVjleiriEoinRTay will not bo iJiBK to do without them. But after r.lisiek head JS E) K1 7l 5 Iholiatio of FO Hvos that horo whCTS malio our groat boast. Our pills cure it vrhuO Ulo Liver Pilla arc very nmall r.ud to'tako. Ono or two pill-i malJOft doso. strictly veputabio and do 'iot or pin-RO.

buibv tJicir pcntloaction or Kent by mail. THE HeiMMrat For Oonf ienieii Only. Tu.scarawas, Holmes and Wayne counties. 1. Jefferson.

Harrison, Belmont and Monroe counties. Columbiana niid.Stark ci.nntios. i Ninete'-ntb Aslitabula. Trumbull, Portage aud Summit counties. Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Thirteenth.

Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-first. Twenty-second, Twenty-third, 'Twenty-fourth, Twenty- fifth, Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh wards of 'levelrnd. townships, ot lied ford. Chagrin Falls, East Cleveland, Euclid, Independence, Mayfield, Newburg. Orange.

Solon and Wjirrensville, in Cuyahoga county, and the county of Luke. that part of Cuyahoga county not. included in the Twentieth district and the county of Medina. TltlC SHKUMAN RKIHSTKKTKR THAT WILL Tbe Sherman men in tbe. Legislature have been holding a scries of caucuses on tlie question of rodist riding the state for Congressional purposes, and they hive finally agreed upon a bill.

Although tbe measure, will probably be slightly amended when it comes up for formal'action, the principal features will remain as now constituted. Following is tho bill as now agreed upon: First. So much of Hamilton county as is now contained in the limits of the First, Second. Third. Fourth.

Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eightn, Ninth, Tenth, "leventli, Eighteenth, Twenty-sixth and Twentv-soventb wards of Cincinnati, and the townships of Anderson, Columbiana. Siiencer, Svmmes and Sycamore and Avondale, "and tbe Northeast, Southeast, St Bernard, Bond IIill and Elmwood precincts ofMillcreok township. Second. The remainder of Hamilton county. Third.

Treble, Montgomery and Williams counties. Fourth. Butler, Warren. Greene, Clinton and Clermont counties. Fifth.

Darke, Shelby, Auglaize, Mercer and Allen counties. Sixth. Paulding. Defiance. Williams, Putnam.

Henry and Van Wort counties. Seventh. Scioto. Brown. Adams, Highland and Pike counties.

Eighth. Champaign. Clark, Madison, Fayette and Ross counties. Marion, ITardin, Hanco*ck, Union and Delaware counties Fulton and Wood counties. Erie, Sandusky, Seneca, Wyandot and Crawford counties.

Pickaway and Fairfield counties. Meigs. Morgan, Hocking. Vinton and Perry counties. l.orain, Richland Ashland and Morrow counties.

Holmes, Coshoc ton, Knox and Licking counties. Sixteenth Muskingum Noble and Washington counties. Ilardin, Bel niont. JeiKerson and Monroe counties. Mahoning am: Columbiana counties.

Nineteenth Summit, Trumbull Goauga. Ashtabula and Portage counties county and from the fifth to the twenty-seventh inclusive of Cleveland, and tbe town Vnips of Maytiold. East Cleveland. and Neu-ber-r. of Cuyaboga county.

remainder of Cuyahoga county nnd all of Medina county. KOH A STATi: r.VHK. county, will be allowed to draw her husband's salary for the first half of the session. Mr. Hover, of Franklin, introduced a bill appropriating for this purpose.

SKNATK llOt'TlNK. The following bills were introduced in will grow. peasantry The great proportion the not provident. When arraned ill attend. their crops fail various evils follow.

The government loses revenue and the peasants lack all the necessaries of life, clothing, firewood, farming implements, subsistence of horses and cattle, all depend upon this resource. Cold as well as hunger cause terrible suffering. Large numbers of persons TRI-STATE Ohio, Indiana and 31 iehitfan News Condensed for Hasty Headers. YOUNGSTOW.V.—Ed Eooney found dead in bed. "Lucy Kee, weed 94, is dead.

town is to have a new German newspaper. WEXDKUX. Joseph Hamliu was killed bv a faU'ms tlie Senate: By Mr. 1 den (by request), huddle together in some houses most to convert tbe Licking countv reservoir conducive to warmth, and even thatched -jl 1 4-y. into a public park, and appropriate roofs are torn oft' and straw led to the the improvement; by Mr.

dying embers. Clothing is given away Clingman. to vest the power of appoint-1 for bread. Horses the trustees of the Cincinnati uni- ficed. Fodder is veTsity in the Superior Court, instead of boards of education and legislation; by Horses and cattle are sacri- as scarce as human food.

In some cases horse flesh has been sacrificed for sustenance. "During The Finest Meals and Delicacies of the Season furnished at all hours Teny Faust's and Gerke's Beer alwayr on tap. This is st icMy a Stag Restaurant. fc 1 Mr Shaw to require life insurance com- the winter there is no work and tre- Iwuiics to issue paid up policies after two quently lathers have M't their wives full payments of premiums, instead of and children to fight the battle of want three'mvments- bv Mr. McMakin, to alone, because they could do nothing imond Actions 3 3,234 and 3,360 by land their absence would leave tewer strikin" out provisions making stock- mouths to feed at home.

The bread for twice the amount of many are eating is composed ot wild ar- heir stock: by Mr. Parker, to correct echnicul errors'in section 4,977 relating the limitation of actions 'or the recovery of real property; HOUSK noUTIXE. Bills were introduced in the House as bllows: By Mr. Taylor of Champaign, ippropriatiiig for the support of the common schools; by Mr. Pudney, to do away with challengers at city election precincts: by Mr.

Pudney, providing that cadi village election precinct shall receive a separate package of ballots; by Mr. Pudney, providing that notaries shall pay lor each commission rive dollars, of 'which £4 shall go to the state treasury; by Mr. Daugherty; providing that the commissioners may pay out ofj the dog fund for the care and treatment oi' persons injured by any rabid animal; Mr. Boye'r, to pay $600 to Mrs. Henry widow of the late representative from Medina county (passed under suspension of tho rules'); by Mr.

Clark, providing that a foreign insurance company doinc business in Ohio may deposit with the state treasurer the required roc-k! potatoes, chaff and loaves, and those terrible conditions produce dis- euso. thore Within are J'JO the of cases of typhu mile lever. Funeral Directors' Undertakers' association meet here week. council has passed an ordinance putting a heavy tax on travel ing fakirs. ST.

out sleigh-riding Mrs. Martin Silver smothered her babe by wrapping it too closely. GAI.ION..—Fohn P. a prominent farmer, four miles from town, died from grip and pneumonia, aged years. AsiJTAiin.A.—A delegation of headed by tlie mayor, has gone to Washington to lobby for an appropriation to improve the harbor.

"Weaver, boy, broke through the ice on the canal while, skat- Loxnox, Feb. North German Lloyd steamship Eider, on her way from New York, Bremen, went ashore on Atherfield rock, nine wiles west of Vinton Isle of Wight. The details are still meagre but 'tis believed all on board are safe. Sea boats have been sent out to the steamers aid. The steamer went ashore ftt ten o'clock during heavy fog and now lies with her bow and stern in comparatively deep water with the midship section resting on the ledge.

It is supposed she was carried into her present posi- by a heavy sea but it is not yet mown how she carne to be so far out of her course. Atherfield Bocks are not vithin direct telegraphic communica- and the details of the accident are lifHcult to obtain. Tug boats have been sent from Portsmouth and South Hampton to the Eider's relief and to take off the passengers and the mail agents of the line of this city report that the Eidwr lies in an easy position and believed to have sustained no serious damage. They say there was no panic among the passengers as it was soon seen that thers was lib immediate danger. It is believed the steamer will be floated at the next high tide.

Among the steamer's passengers were T. W. Walsh. London, H. Kankin, New York.

Mr. Powell, New York, C. A. Rinnball. of York; A.

M. Addison, New York, Edgar Christopher and Captain R. Nugent. James D. Taitof St.

Catherines. H. Asheuden, Mr. and Mrs. F.

Ashenden. William Schoemann, Philadelphia, G. Meyer, London. Mr. and Mrs.

S. Cohen, children and maid, Rotterdam, Mr and Mrs. A. Benson and children, W. Philadelphia, C.

A. Pre- vnst, London. The Eider was built by John Eider of Glasgow, iu She is a four- masted iron screw steamer, of- gross tons. She has compound engines oi 1000 horse power. She is 4'jT feet inches long.

47 feet beam and 34 feet 5 inches deep, and has seven collision bulk head. Fifty-seven bales of cotton that After dinner, if you have discomfort and suffering, take Dr. PierceV Pleasant Pellets, or Anti- Bilious Granules. They're made to assist Nature in her own but thoroughly. What the old-fashioned pill forcibly, these do mildly and gently, tfhey do more, too.

Their effects are lasting; they regulate the system, as well cleanse and renovate it. One little Pellet's a gentle laxative; three to four act as a cathartic. They're the smallest, cheapest, the easiest to take. TJnequaled as ft Liver Pill. Sick Headache, Bilious Head-! ache, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the stomach and bowels, are promptly relieved and permanently cured.

They're the cheapest pill you can buy, because they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. You only pay for the good you get. Can you ask more? RAILROADS. Division. BCT IfBnnsulvaniaLJnBS.

Schedule ot Passenger Trains-Centra! lima. and hunger are dailv paining I and drowned. The water has hee.n 1 J.V A 1 1 1 ground. is decimating the people. drawn oh" to find his body.

an old trunk belong- jettisoned from Eider in attempts io Hoiit her, have been saved. Twelve bags of mail matter have been lanjded by life bout, and will be forwarded immediately. To tbe vigilance of the coast guardsmen whose st tion near the stnmded steamer, due the prompt discovery of the mHinp. They noticed the fog whistle ol' the big s'toamshij. blowing the night, but as there are so many vessels passing up and down the channel, no danger was anticipated until a rocket was seen to flare upward through the miut, and then the ship's whistle was hoard blowing a long uninterrupted note of distress.

Tlie entire, coast guard crow was immediately summoned and the neighboring station? promptly notified to send rein force- men Tho lifeboat of tho coast LABOR TROUBLE. Montana 1 i ciuiro atat-mn near ins to John Spmgel, a lithographer, who! Stormy Scenes at Itutte CHllod For. BI-TTK Feb. Central railroad company gave a on died here last week, was found in cash and three life insurance jtolioies for A peculiar law suit has just- year manned and ran out through the surf. Bv thw time rorkM nl'trr rocket- was i sent up bv the steamship in distress.

I thus guiding the life boat to the spot she was ashore. A tremendous sea was running as thr- life boat put to i sea. nnd it was bitterly cold, wind fveez- IKVH startrd hen-. Last April out tract'recently "to of St. i ago-Jacob SHnnm-kor pmv.hnw'd a farm Paul to grade live mile? of road from m-sir which had Wn or wMor life-saving boat oars main line for a spur track to Montana! ycn-s of Samuel a thy fln oilskins Tho .1...

View mine. The imported and eccentric -character, and not long strnnd(i): eiunrr 5 Marble Cliff HiUiards Bronsons Plain City tTriioiiville Milford Woodstock baugh Urbsinu St. Paris Conover Fletcner Oovliigton Hrudford PM i I 20 "7 20 f9 35' 9 I0i 922! 230 832, 5 cii'927; 8 07; 938 246; 8181 30; 947i 953! 2X10071 27i 39! 48: 3 is-S-llOQO 7 Ol'rZ 10 3S 346 918! 4C8J S45JS. tUOS Union City Hartford Marion Liojranspori, Winainac Point Hradford Jc N'exv Now'Fan's Richmond Cnmbridtre Citv Uam bridge Cily Richmond Xf.w Paris N'pw Weavers (irocnville. GeMysburs; Bradford Jc law bonds of United States the state of bonds Ohio; Mr.

Eakin, to $273 reimburse James Michael, county, for property 200 laborers from St. Paul and com- after while tearing down an old house menced work last week. The mm were discoveivd a large amount oi gold The set to work at per day. A committee from the Buttee workingmen's union waited on the contractors Wednesday last and made donmnd standard of them that the of $8.00 Montana a da nnd silver coin. exact amount has never made public but it is sup- Inder.

a son of the old gentleman, heard of tiie lind and has begun suit to recover, paid I as lie firmly believes the property was Tins tlie coutractors refused, whereupon hidden there by his father, the men quit work and joined the union. About 200 more men to take the places of the strikers then arrived destroyed in the Morgan raid; by Mr. AVorkman, to provide for the more efficient organization of the common achools in by Mr. Wanzer, to prevent fraud and undue influence in the election of United States senators; by Mr. St.

Paul in the afternoon. These men were met at the denot by fully 1.000 men who immediately took charge of the pilgrims and marched them to the miners' 1 hall, where they were speedily enrolled members of the union. Everything was conducted quietly. The union ir-en declare that they will throw Outhrie and his cheap laborers hag and (iriilin providing that stockholders of baggage out of the county. lie con- viilroads consolidating shall proceed to tractors are defiant, and aver they can got plenty of $2 men, and that they will do the work under that scale calling on tbe militia if necessary for protection.

Serious trouble, is imminent unless a compromise is effected. secure their rights under the laws of the state in which'the- companies are organixed: by Mr. Gaumer, to pay $1,931 to Henry H. Fickle for services as recruiting oi'licer in the late war; by Mr. Southard, to reappovtion tlie.

Congressional the state; by Mr. Smith, to authorize the boaid of education of Antrim township, "Wyaudot county, to transfer from the auxili- to the incidental fund; passed under suspension of the rules; OFFICIOUS POSTMASTER. Ho for Some of the Patrons of the Office. ALF.XANr.niA, 0., Feb. Voice, the prohibition organ, charges that Post( master II.

C. Hare here with scheming Mr. Taylor, of Champaign, providing! to prevent the circulation of the Voice' Hanson Kyle was killed by an overdose of morphine, at Columbus. Wright Kay was killed in mine, at Conl P.luff, by a premature shot. A disastrous fire occurred at La insurance Curtis Evans, aged seventeen, of Ashland, foil under a moving Hat-car, losing a leg.

'Daniel Lepper. near Auburn, while cleaning a revolver, accidentally killed himself" the ball entering the forehead. William Stroup, of Valparaiso, 1 with of his employers; in-! situation of th rowing more dan- ous as the gale increasing nnd the sea running very high. All the mails have been landed safely mid from that it is supposed all the passengers are also fiaiV-. Second Grant and two children nnd nurse.

New York: Mr. and B. Kir-hard New York: If. Stuyvesant, New York; Frederick Wakner, Louisville: Leopold Nachman and wife, Xew York; Mrs. G.

Sember, Hobokin: Henry Hermann, Chicago: Charles New York: New York; Max Roseman, Chicago; Bertha Walton, New- York; Paul Brandon, New York: G. New Orleans: Herman Marker. Detroit: William Schumaker, Hoboken. Besides these yhe carried 170 steerage and ha.d a crew of about 100 All told. There are in all therefore on board the vessel about 330 persons.

Reciprocity for British West Indies. WASHINGTON. Feb. notice of his employer's I ilfts bcen eivod the-state opart- money, and a earrMui investigation m-i ment r0 tn the British minister that the the belief that he met with foul; t. ar jff changes, agreed upon in the reci- procity arrangement for the British peare play.

n.e jury disagreed in the case tried in West Indian colonies, have already been "'Circuit court, wherein vo by Jamaica, Barbadoes and Trini- Henry Tow was charged with attempt-j ftn ji that from February 1 reci- intr to kill Ins son-in-law, Curtis Bass. arrangement will be in full force Bass will on trial for shooting these colonies. iv Ormvn Point, WillHlllRC Lognnsport Marion Hartford Union Citv lord Jc IBradford Iv Covinjflon Piqna FIcichcr Conover St. Piiris Urbana Cable Woodstock ford Centre Unionvllle Plain City Hronsons HI! liardsu Marble Cliff scheme was Mr. Men, of A peculiarly visionary launched in tlie Senate Licking.

He introduced a bill to convert tlie Licking reservoir, situated in Franklin, Licking and Perry counties, into a public park nnd for its equipment. This reservoir is now feeder for ihe Ohio canal and the bill stipulates that the new project shall not interfere with its. present usefulness. TO AttOTJSH T11K r.ROVXr*. Mr.

McConica.of Hanco*ck, introduced a. joint resolution in tlie Senate declaring it the of the general assembly that that the probate judge of Champaign enmity, instead of the governor, shall ap- point'the members of the I'rbana natural commission; by Mr. Heinlein, to permit'county commissioners to pay the costs when an appellant from their decision in a condemnation suit recovers greater damages than were allowed by the commissioners: by Mr. Carroll, to Woostcr to transfer $2,000 from Lemer district No. 1 fund to the "fund of Lemor district No.

2. Passed under suspension of rules; by Mr. Griffin, to limit to three cents a. ton per mile the price that may be charged for transporting freight a greater distance than thirty miles: Mr. Fisher, of Preble, amending tbe.

ballot law. Bills passed tbe House as follows: S. B. bv Mr. Phillips, to authorize the commissioners of Adams county to construct it free turnpike road.

A law: H. B. by Mr. Bruck, to authorize tbe city of Columbus to issue bonds for construction of a sewer: H. B.

by Mr. Korte. to authorize tbe village of Norwood, Hamilton county, to issue $10,000 bonds for general purposes; H. B. by Mr.

Sterrett, to require village councils appoint boards of health, of six each, one member to be a physician. through that office. In December the publishers received a note from Hare stating that the papers were refused. The.v then wrote letters to Representa- tive'W. M.

Beaumont, D. C. Brooks, W. A. Hussler, Richard Thomas, A.

D. Miller and W. Parker to whom the Voice had been sent, asking if they actually refused it Thev'replicdi that 'they had not, but wanted 'it. Hare's letter and those of of la grippe in towiislnpol Waterloo, Tow's lower jaw away. MICHIGAN.

i A bay famine is imminent in the lumber woods. A French newspaper is to be started I in Satrinaw by A. Berhard. an experi- eneed journalist from Quebec. Since tlie new year was welcomed no A few days delay only is anticipated in putting the arrangement into operation also the Leeward nnd Windward islands.

Supreme Court Upholds the Anti-Lottery Law. 1 WASHINGTON, Feb. '1. decision in the lottery cases is verv brief but sus- 11-1 Tnft lOiierv n-i unu om-- less than wen ty-tnur persons have died constit tion of Anti Lott ory the other gentleman are published in FIVE WEEKS IN THE RUIN'S. Jackson county.

An ordinance has been law. It cites the case of Export Tlie Body of an From the Debris i night, A boll Evart forbidding tbe boys and girls mil on the streets after eight o'clock at son in which it was held that the power which gave to Congress the right to carry is rung for a warning, of A Frnit Sttvro. after which the mar Feb. '2. remains of an; stragglers.

Italian were found in the debris ofj David Niles may sue tbe county of. Sailla Fugassis' fruit store number 080 ones for damages for alleged mali- I Liberty street, which was destroyed by ious prosecution. He is the father of the fire about five weeks ago. The firm em-! notorious Orla Niles. who escaped from Iso nave it right to decide what be carried in the mails to exclude rung ior a warning, objection lble matter and that which arslial looks after tho ininr ious to it dooms injuriou people.

the morals of the ployed a number of Italians, and it is supposed the body one of thorn. No report bad made of any one being Feb. I. The Minister of Communications ha? resigned, and will be succeeded by a Senator who is of IncoTporfttionn. COI.ITMBUS, Fab.

2. following articles of incorporation in the office of the secretary II Hi AH YmitftMilc Dlnlnfr ftml ittir Citrn are run on 6 and between Columbus and Indianapolis; Pnllmnn tJnm on I and between Columbus nnd Indianapolis; and on Won. and between Columbus and Chicago, via Bradford Junction. The PitllmiMi OQ 1. 9.

A. TO. 2Oand 31 either run through via Columbus and or make direct connection throucn ritt-sburjh Union Station to and from Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and JTcw York. JOSEPH WOOD, E. A.

FORD, Genortl laiiagir, General PMorapr 11-15-91 -Q PtTTSBXTROTT, PEXX'A. For time cards, rates of fare, through tickets, checks, and Airther Informaiion regarding the running of trains apply to any Agent of the Pennsylvania Lines. C. E. LIVBJI.Y.

HENEYFESS (Successor to j. n. H. SPIKER,) the county in November last, and werc was acquitted of the charge of endeavor-1 ittjtto-. Tbe Warren Hardware coming to screen Ins son.

Indian Sfhorvl Children. pany, Warren, capital stock $35,000: the Sandusky Savings Bank company, Sandusky. increase of capital stock from i.v... I-oh. Indian of- to the A.

G. Kirby coin- fire was advised of the arrival of lOb In-! ftT 5V iil stock nnd wt United Presbyterian Church of Belle Centre. Ohio;" the Dwelling Mutual dian children from the Apache, Arizona, tribes at the GcnoJv agricultural school. )PROPRIETOR OF Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, stand, of City Hotel, OHIO. in city.

Hacks for Pane priew..

The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)


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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.