The Evening Review from East Liverpool, Ohio (2024)

SATURDAY, AJCUST 13. inEETEXlKO JIKTIEW, EAST OHIO. Married Women wcmm term asd thm of tfaoir bearinf childron it oftaa to tha mothor'a abapeJineaa. by mt i Imimenl prep.r,, th. 1,.

M.tlur'. PrtMd tonger of ud CMTie. tto rapKUnt nottor i.f.lT tbrtngb cntic.1 It I. toU th.

iMiudi ud nluf fro. Ota of thit wonderfol 'Ri rtmedr. Sold bj all fi.oo par bottle. Our little book, toDlng all about thia liniment, will ba fraa. TO BntMi liohiM Mua a Motherie Friend ni.

Wl.vK.-. ,.,.,1 A rth .1 I I'i; iiitiipiifui ii 1 miiL. .,1 a at THErSAYTHEniKEIT only i-oarlnil? that posslhiy for wholly astm the ph.vslclans may have been do tv view, theroforo of the farts bo fi rth, we are pleasoti to rejwirt that In th oopitiofi of the board, no of noyditt'iioe ran iH.5slbl> atfat to the warden of 'he penitentiary, of the who aided in the elee Pit It no lit ft.n hot lit plibh auythiuK. to The Radicals Swallow Speech Like a Biiicr 00NSEE7ATIVES PLEASED WITH IT liad a Ihivls nnd ParRer lleket tn the ('arnpaiati of In lloiinrof Ilerrlrk-Polltlcal Ups ami Y.iu tl.i*. I iilJ i.ii.

FOR SALC BY A. H. BULGER. DO YOU SUFFER FROM Rluiimattsm, Nenralgia, Sore Toitrts, Sore beet, l.czciaa—Tetter. Catarrh, Sore fhroat, Hay b'ever.

Asihnm, Throat Troubles, Tiles, Itching or Bleeding, Bum, Cut, Bruise, Sore or nnv t.ise that begins with Fever, Swelling or Inflammation If so, we offer you a botUeof PARACAMPH FREE. If you have never tried Paracamph (i ua this coupon to-dlay. This is our gift, m.iJe to convince what Tara- cainph is ami what it can do. Ik.uT hesiute, tt.H this places you uuder no obli- gatious whatever. Cut out this coupon at once, fill out the blanks and mail it to TRE PARA6AMPR LsBisviili, Ky.

My disease is have never P.anicanjph, hut if will semi me bottle free of I ill try it. Nil Street Address County aud full address. Write plainly.) Itriueniber, PARACAMPIf by und pliyniciMii I ned by athlelea tha World over. Thouii.indi* of ti-Btliuuiilals. Quarautaod psrfuotly buruiless.

Columbus. Aug 1.1—(Spccian Judge at tlio notlllca- tiim cfremonlcs has uttrai te.l wide attention. Hepulihcuny look upon It as something akin to whllo DemoiTuts are in tmdr opinions. The eomervittlves say it and while the radicals are not guite so sure that it Is or gieat. A the of the radical wing of the party, John J.

ex- presRes hlruHclf on the Parker sp-'ech. The lanu Interview fiidlcalea that publicly, at least, the radicals will swallow the conservative although they are nut Udling what they will do in jirivatc. Mr Lentz says: "Aside from Mr. declaration that gold standard is Irrevocably estabjished, the uieasage will The state of pnldic wnrhs l.s receiving many applications jurchasc of stone along th" line of the Hocking canal This part canal pj.stciu has been abamlonctl. but the ftoae In the locks Is v.

ry valuable building purposes. The board has n-u the authority to enter into a fi-T the sale of the in the old locks A great of have been appropriated bj dirr. rent people along the canal. in one in stance. It la stated, a contractor ap an entire lock in abutments for a bridge ar the Iowa of U.

It is Mated that the board will action at once to pre serve this prop, rty am! it inficl until such Ume as the will authurlzo the di.sixiHitlon of the sani The people who have appniitriated the state property are subject to pron e. uti.ui, and it is altogether Ilk. ly thaJ the board at Its xl will n.solutlon the attorney gen cral to take s.mie action th pres, rvatlon of property along thlj division of the canal Hystem. With the teotinK th" validity (if the c.uinty r-. salary, 1 1 suit has been lUe.l in FrankMn county pleas court lij Ci tor Taylor on of the of Uhio The suit is brotight against the individual inemhcrs of board of County conuiiisHtoners and refers (oi the law pivhs.mI tiy the last legisiu-! tftre.

umler which the commission, rs to receive ITful per jear In conn- tUs where the proiwrty valuation is ami addtli.mnl for cvcrv ubuvc the tm tax duplicate, t.ital not to per year This law the petition, Increased their salary from 11,200 i which Works gr. at and Irrcpar- cl.le injury to the rouuty The law attacke.l on the grouml that it con- filets with sc.iiLn 2. arllch- 20 of the constitution of Ohio, which is to efo.t that no law shall he which the sulnry of cmnty ofhclals during the same term the lavv Is passed. 5 0 onthe gheat es SV fi' ANO RESORTS.

The LAKE AND RAIL FAvR. ST. LOUIS timi talli BCTWCtN Detroit c.nd Cleveland Leave DF.T1Ì01T, daily 10.30 p. m. Arrive CLEVELAND 5.30 a.

v. att U.Jlro«d.s for Leave CLEVELAND, daily 50.15 p. m. Arrive DETROIT 5 30 a m. Cwim-tiing wiUi SpooialTndn.a fot World's Fair.

St. Louis, with D. Steamers for macki.nac,'**^"'' Matiiuatte, Ouiuih, Mlnne- land during July and August Mackinac Division Lv TOLEDO and 9.30 a. ni.and»i‘uetoiays and 4 p.m. DETROIT 5.00 p.

m. and 9.30 fn. JuiMt 1 btnd for fourist Rr.tcs. bend 'X for World Hair ramplilct. A.A.SCHANTZ.G AP.T.W..

DatroH, Hereafter sidlnr. In ens county, on the Hocking Valley railway, will tie known a.s Heirlck. 'The little vlilage is nane'd after (iov- einor Herrick, for it i- at this point tliat the h. a.I.iuarters of the rtfor and of the Dhio N.itionul (Juar.l have b. '-n established for the ntlllfary riu neuvers As this l.s the first that a Ktate has rtakcn maneuvers the big mock battles wHI be with interest military ih thnju.ghout the country.

Governor llcnick will move his office to carnn for the week governor a messago from hlH cousin Sum, wlio at Uone Steel, S. 1), that tiic lir.d town in the Rosebud agency was In the honor. The town ui ready has a populati.ui of niakea two honors fur the governor. Since the hot wafer apparatus was In the Htaf. four years ago plant has not HaflKfactorUy, Utrge quantiti.s of ex fra fuel and an additional man have been re.iuircd to keep the warm in winf.r Expert failed to find but it has Juki Icarncil that a pipe hud been a work man the plant was Im tailed The cuM the several fhouKaml dollars The plugging of the cross that put i ViiSOl 1 i LY Like to Fish Jiiiit country in souihom Indiana.

l.ik. acfi wit Invili mini! er in and that the 1 it in rely lake northern ire all hy Sprincrs. in purest of water anil the quality are niall hlack calico or strawLiurv Lax-, rov havs, piekt rei, perch, etc. Va. ati.

ns can enjoyed in this region at a low cuut; yon can 1 er i imp out, I i harminq r.unimer re.ich. I)V riic Shore Southern Ruihvay reduced rate e.ycnr i.m th 1.4 d.eiv, rood until ih 'vs It e.iiue tior. i U'1 m.iot rite ii veriTia will you Oine. hiMiimvr a cont.u! jd jj ton a iwe I A.t r. ti'il views th, I or ks or any dcsirei ira.

ul.irs a J.ircss, A. J. H.Ml P. c. r.

I'l, JORN J. IdlNTZ. prove acceptaide to many Repnhlirans and DeraocratH in this iiart of Ohio Mr. declaration a.s to the one term will please many, but it Hcenis to me that this is not tlie way to get rid of the evil of presidential patronage being used to build political machines. It would be much more certain and much more effective to have the p.

o- ple elect the po.stmaRtcrs In their respective communltlea. If a man has been a good president for one term he will learn enough to make a much better president for the second term, and when one recalls the fact that the pcof.le have re-elected such presidents as Washington, Jefferson, Jackson and Lincoln. I believe they can safely he trusted to re-elect others, and I am sure they can If the people are permlttcMl to vote often enough lo learn how to that there Is to be a in the board of managers of uhlo penitentiary are urilv. from the office cum. th.i Kfaterncnt that the board is entirely satisfactory, ha.s in barmony with the Idea.s of the governor, and is In every way meeting with the approval.

COMING OR GOING STOP AT AEST RANT Herrick has announced the appointment of Dr. James D. Remis of Fremont as a member of the board of trustees of the Ohio and Sail ors home at Xenia. Dr, He mis succeeds General J. Warren Kei fer, resigned.

The place was tendered to James E. Reeber of Dayton, but because of business engagements ho 'could not serve. The appointment cf Dr. Rends Is considered particularly apjiropriate inasmuch as he is one of the first graduates of the institution. Titis is the first time that a graduate of (he scho iI has been apiwinted to membership on the board of trustees, and the recognition of the institution in this way will meet with the favor of the hundreds of alumni.

Dr. Bends was a page in the Ohio senate in 1872, and he serveil as a page at the constitutional convention of the same year. He is now one of the leading physicians of Sandusky county, and has been prominent In Republican politics there. R.amuel Houston of Sfotdtcnvllle, appointed state highway comndsstuncr Jane 30 by Oovcmor Herrick tho pnvvlslon of (he goo-1 roads lav. passed winter, is unable to flu I room In the staiehouse.

the provisions of tlie law there will be no money availabld fur the poHltion until 15, 100.5, when fumls will be available to pay an assistant per year and $500 expenses for the as slstant. a chief clerk $1,000 and a stenographer and clerk $800, while he will have to spend In aid of road im provcmcnts during the year The law Introduced a new scheme whereby the state was to pay 25 per the county 50 per cent and the abutting property owners 15 per cent of the cost of Improving public highways. Inasmuch as the appropriation Is not availahle for a lone time the de- four the five r. water lines of Is to have be. ii d.ine by a who was dls during the of thb work of putting In the plant An iii- v.

sflt-atlon Is being made with a vb proKccutlon WANTED I t.i know di. nial r. mis muk. most to l.alhing hu II tiiuc't U.Miij. 12.

fi al Mur. Herrick Robert Zimmerman of Wednesday as a member of the lioard of of the MMsslllon State hoHpltal Mr Zlmrn. rman is a iiromLnent Democrat county, an-1 la engaged in the retail and whol. sale drug bualness His term will in IHUit. Such is the Guarantee DISEASE AND DIABETES NEWS WEST C.


Beat home Review. The scenes attending the recent executions in the penitentiary of Michael Schiller of Youngstown and Mose Johnson of Portsmouth prompted Governor Herrick to ask the penitentiary managers to make an investigation of those alleged legal kllHngs, The prison manag. filed their r. port with the governor, in which they say: hearing all of the evidence we are unanimously of the opinion that every precaution was taken by the warden and his assistants to insure a successful ciectrwution, and that If any fault can possibly attach to any person it must be to the physicians, who, after several contacts, pronounced the men dead, but as there 3 TA 8 no division of in the mat- San Angusr i uh To the Masonic Fraternities of Ohio. and Diabetes are po.sltlvely curable.

The recoveries run into the thoiisajida aud In elude not only many of our best citizens but the very highest degree Ma- (several of the thirty-third degree), Knights Templar, Shriners, etc. A sense of duty and love of their fellows moved a number of these to give us permission to use their narae.s In order that the world may know of the genuineness of this discovery. Among them are such men as ex Surveyor General Theo. Reichert, N. Spaulding (now deceased) late president Spaulding Saw company, and United States sub-treasurer, and A.

G. Deardorff, M. D. General Reich ert recovered himself after twelve years of Eufferlng with diabetes. N.

W. Spaulding's daughter recMovered from Disease after he had spent thousands of dollars and of time and believed her death Inevitable. Dr, Deardorff several patients of both Disease and Diabetes, one of them beiftg an old school physician. In the Interest of humanity these gentlemen have permitted us to take their affidavits to be given to anxious Inquirers. Sincerely, JOHN J.

FULTON The above refers to the newly discovered Fulton Compounds, the first cures the world has even seen for Disease and Diabetes. We are the sole agents. Ask for pamphlet. HEED, Grand Opera House Pharmacy. When to suspect nuffy ankles or with- Jiik visible trouble after third vision or mon of tiUtik A Parker and Davis th k.

or rather Davis and Parker tick, la not entirely new in a pre.Hldential contest In the United StaU-H. un birthday. Feb. 22, 1872, a made up R. formi rs." so rail.

d. the labor rs Ih Ing po lideal inaleontentM whoHe to labor was a.adenile, and whose relation to pollticK was poKitlvH aud act ual. met In this city and nominated for presi.lent David Davis of lllln.ils, a rsonal friend and political follovver of Ahrahaiu Lincoln, and for vice Ident Joel Parker, of the sfurdiesf Judge Parker had been gov.Tiior New In the year preceding. Judge Davis was a of supreme c.jurt of the United hy apjM.Iutment of President Lincoln in i O. K.

SCIIIMANSKY. ONTHELITTLGST.WII Over the Cork of Bottled in Bond, Said to be the Best Whikkej Made in Kentucky. 1. 1 ituy tir f. giving st prie" and i.uinli.'i fa lot.s, X.

V. WANTED Girl generai house- wf*ck api ut Walsh Hixih Ht FOR room and nmall rooms, siiltahle for office or res- taurant Opposite freight depot. Wal- nul street. Inquire of J. McFadden.

139 I LOST. and gtMJd gaina in vacant lots, farms, houses and by not ing Miskall Rursner, whor* the nat of g.Kxi properties, lowest prlo. es and terms be bad. AUo prepared to arrange money tltt with sewing ma i hiiM's to work at h.mi«* on lln. MI8CELLANE0UR, I rythlng nt free iid YOUR IDEA'L nv.dop,.

Household I I think too long (cking otit Cfi'dit Co. Volk 212 Vandcrhllt building, 1M7-J KKWAKII, fitltm. The rssovri of wtll he pleaaed to Jearn Uml tlu'tr at hmat one (freaded that a. lence heeu nhle to cure III all iU that Ist'atarrh. ItaU'it catarrh la the only poaitlve cure Xnuwn to the fraternlty.

tM'lng a conktltutlonal dtneake, man to man ago a iiiiuieh office for a niaiiu faetuilng ion.i'in: Halniy ami eommisslons. Applicant must fninii.h good lefereiiees un.l to ll.2iiil Ad.lroHH, W. 12th Hfreet, 185 121 FOR SALE. a jwitent; fitbcr may In ahead wiiJi same thing. think that you can writo te the patent oii.c yourself and find out If yoti csn get a patent The patent office will simply you to file a formal appll- (wllb the incidental expense) If you wish Invention considered, ('onsultatloi MUo B.

Sieveris 7yo street. Washing- D. C. KHiabllKhed 1861. I yr.

FOR SALE ou of Fifth and l- Kon si roots, to be In.Fiiro of Dr Bailey. Ihd ireamicnt ta iHken Internally, dlrwUy un- of the thereby dcatroylng the fonndetlon or the nnd giving the building up the conNlltutioit end SMlatlng nature iti Ita The proprletora have ao much faith In Ita oura- they offer one Hundred iN.llara for aiiT caae ilist tt falla to cure, send for Hat of teatluiontAla. OO. Toledo Hold by druggtat, HAll'a Family Pilla are mo beat. HAD GREEN GOODS PLANT.

$10,200 in Counterfeit Bills Found In Prominent Doctor's Home. Boston. Aug. thousand, two hundred dollars In coanterfelt $2 bills were found by secret service agents in the house of Dr, Frank G. Sanft, a Roxbury physician, uiter Hanft had been arrested on a charge of having paHsed bogus bill upon a street fruit vender.

A complete outfit for inannfuctnring spurious bank notes was also fonnd. Kanft has lived in Roxbury for 17 years and his wife and two dangh ters. Hi.s family has been socially prominent in Boston and along the South Shore, where they had a summer home. Among the articles revealed by the search of house was a spleu did German photographic lens aud r. quantity of Chinese fibre paper.

Consumption fhreatened. C. Unger, 211 Maple Champaign, 111., writes: was troubled with a hacking cough for a year and I thought I had consnmption. I tried a great many rem. dies nnd was under the eare of physicians tor several months.

1 used bottle of Honey ami Tar. It cured me and I have not been troubled Sold by Will Reed. Fatal Quarrel In Office. Cleveland, Aug. Millard, a well known lawyer, shot and probably fatally wounderi Barnard Hassey.

The shooting oet urre.l in the office of the lawyer and war the result of a quarrel between the two men over a small sum of money. You get at the contents of the lidgewouJ bottke without breaking the government stamp. Notice how it read.s: in bond, under the of United States (b)verntncnt, at the distillery bonded The also shows the age, strength and purity of Jvdgewood Whiskey, and is a guarantee against adulteration. The PURE FOOD EXHIBIT at the Fair, Agricultural Building, embraces a di.splay of if in bond. Thi.s I by the National Association of State Dejjart- ments as a further guarantee of the absolute purity of Fidge- wood Whi.skey.

Keep a bottle in the house for medicinal purposes. If your dealer’t handle it, write us and we will advise you how to get it. The Distilling Cincinnati. O. FOR Itu go.iil I.Kiil bak'iy wagon roiifo; ami elioap to quit hiiyor.

Everf Wofflaii Mid tSntea MARVEt Spray TM Hfiipp. UlMf al MMt Cuuvn.t«-)!« It Umtmmtx FOR l.o.l rutim KUlt. springH, iiulf walnut, (une kou I elialrs. new; cheap It ho I. 1 at Apply to Jamen A.iamii, LiHbon botwcen 7 ami m.

1 SH I Alt rwrArMiiafarH iiit fur U(trM FOR $25 go art, will 11 Imjulro at Walnut and East Fourth ntro. FOR SALE j.arlor organ, oak; vory hHint.soni«*; almost new; will soil choap. G. Lewis. Chestor, illt Ma nittv tii ft immwtMrn.

STEAMER GREENWOOD FOR SALE k-nmrn houHe; city wafer; 40 foot lot; price can be Ikjua fit for 1300 ofuih and monthly irf 18; if you want a bargain quick. Miskall A 149-tf For Wheeling, Marietta, Parkeriburg, Qallfpolla and all pointa on Kanawha River, Leave foot of Broadway, Friday, 9 m. Up tha rivar at 4 p. m. Thurtdaya.

Fara, East Liverpool to Charteaton, Round Trip, Maala ant Barth Included. Fot rata apply at wharfboat GORDON C. QRCCNE. Mgr. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Wsntcd, Sor aIk, To FtnAnclAl, Kx- changM, r- dAlly, thiAw 1 r- tlona, Z.V rMntM for not ovsr fsiceolii Mi the niocih; for Atiy Artvsr- twsniv-iivM cent word; pAlmUt, bKAlnr rlmilAraovsr- At onu word, SAch fn- in otherwise If At of- flee witalii onenrrr DCCillTP WKKk we chArgeULI nLOULlO double price to cover ingandcollecttni FOR a bargain; a seven r.Mtrr bouae.

finished attic, on SberiUttu avenue, three blocks from the Diamond, CLeapest property clone In. Part down and part easy Inguire at 293 West Market street. Peterson ahoe atore. 119 tf FOR SA ive-room houao with on Minerva atreet. Alao alx- room hoirso with bath and flnlahcd attic in Cheater; both In good location Call pjjone 350 or Ootham lamkett, Pottera alley, 102 tf Pinsburg Charleston Faat Paaaengar STEAMER KANAWHA Down Tueadaya 8 p.

m. Up Sundays 2:30 p. m. EVERT TIME WANTED (SjmpAtent girl for general housew.trk; no wasli- Ing. Influire of K.

Ruah, 308 Thompson avenue. 190-r Kidney Cure Will cure Disease. Will cure lhabetes. Will Cure Slone in Bladder. Will Cure Kidney and Bladder eases.

Sold by Win Reed. Dls- CARNIVAL OPENS MONDAY. 191-h WANTED lo Jfdn a inllliary or ganlzafion called Brigafle; at in the Erbst ein building, Tuesday, August 16, llti W( Ht Markf-t lOO once, girls lo work (r.mseiH. at United 152 West Market atreet. 189-r FOR SALE A few aela of the a splendid hlatory In four volumes.

Regular retail price, 82.50 These are only slightly aolled and will ho at 11.50 the act. Apply at Evening Review office, Washington SPECIAL ATTENTION TO QUICK FREIGHT DELIVERIES. For passenger and freight rates 'phone GU8 MARTINDILL, Agent. fiTM. E.

ROE. Wharf BoaL FOR SALE eighi-room house In the East End; lot 36x100; city water and gas; good heater tn cellar; price, can be bought for cash and monthly Tvaymenti of 811. Miakall Bursner. 149-tf FOR At a bargain room on West Third atreet. for 118 a month.

Gm water throughout and In good eondltloa. Part down and part eaay paymmita. this office. FOR New noiiae on Ambrose avenue near McKinley achool. Four large rooms, pantry and hall, good cel inr.

gas and water, cabinet mantle? and tile beartha. Lot 30x100 feet Ffjr terms addretis R. J. Review FOR RENT, FOR front down uairs; one square from the Dia- niiiiid; huitable for office or dressmak- Address care Review, 190-r PENN STOCK EK Bank lIOmDUfiill Mirkits MoMSRtartl). Over Privato Wire Twlepbone, Bell CHINESE RESTAURANT.

Jan Fung, Propm wcrnan who iias lia.i some expirlence with tlm sick to work outside of city. .3 box 44, East Liverpool, O. iko-r FOR Houso of five rooms; also one of four water ar gas; on Avondale itreeL Apply 321 Third atreet. 140-tf Diamond Alley, Next Chop Suey. I5c Chop Soey with Sui Sin Tea Fo Young Dam Chicken Chop Suey with Mushrooms Open from 10 a.

m. to I p. m. Finest Loocli io City..

The Evening Review from East Liverpool, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

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Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.