Palladium-Item from Richmond, Indiana (2024)

Saturday, Apr. 1M1, The Palladium-Item ami Nunlelegram, Richmond. Ind. ft M- IkJ. Jt ie uuuiii; Leiermmuu To Have Nuclear Force Smith Won't Campaign But Miss Eward This Year's i ne iM" lk-rm His Name Will Be On Ballot t.

va i i IfTt7 Federal Urban Renewal Plan Senators Disagree On Stand Kennedy Takes On Budget Cut WASHINGTON (AP)-lnitial re-1 diction made in Friday's speech appropriations requests, action indicated Friday that many to the American Society of Newa- He l0d a newsman: muld Tornadoes Batter Sou hern Part Of State; Damage Widespread wi HWdiu iu woman journansr PARIS (AP) President Chi 1m the European Common Market. de Gaulle expressed determine-i Survival nf Frinr in th. mi. HI-RUN (AP)-Iwo oung 1 ail is Kappea oerore Mwanians tton Friday night to forge ahead I ctMr te requlrw purdy seruor partner in a Richmond ad- Germans Friday crawled through vertising and public relation i dividing West Berlin firm ami Urturna nowli and East Germany UWII na0n, oml. rcr (he One out of every five commu-, The Community Develonmrnt Mi' ii him mini i-rrsiuriu imper I Oliou A small tornado wrecked two Rnlll'lnalf l.

rinmnU lh By I In Associated Prt day, with daytime highs in ihejHe also kept the door tightly 72-year-old De Gaulle told Kpnnfdv' nfrtinn that a rw U. ,1.. 50s and lower 60s after overnight closed against British entry into fore business and professional West police said the two came nille inkrtl ur nationwide radio-television audi- ij(ln mi yu president in reducing his Sen. Mike Mansfield ofi.i,t k. t.

groups throughout the midwest I 1 I II I asj IVIIVV .1. II (film Mil II 1 It 111 111 ence He spoke disdainfully of mijon joh(i and wU, COflIjnue M(Jnlana Sl.nate Democratic Tornadoes battered scattered chicken houses on the Loren Tol-parts of Southern Indiana Friday. bert farm near Williams in Law-wrecking or damaging at least arence County, killing 200 chickens dozen homes in Knox Countv south i but injuring no persons dips into the 41K I A five-day forecast called fori I I league sough), unsuccessfully so far, to have the Indiana legisla- ture require referendumi before federal urban renewal programs could be started in any commu- into tne northern region oj the nan renewal programs nave city unnoticed by ihe East Ger- stopped them prior to comple- the Congress by further reduc do some trimming. leader, said he believes Kennedy tions in that program man norder guards. temperatures in the 60 I NO rOCCl tion, Dr Hugh Ramsey of tne KcpuDlican Congressional had reference to "meal-ax" re-Committee described as "pure duction rather than the selective I think that when it has com- Hloomingum told Kiwanis club nily.

prior lo the May 7 election and that Smith's name as a result will remain on the ballot. Smith could become the nominee but he could get out of the race after the primary, if nominated, by resigning. In such event the Republican Central committee would name a substitute. This would have to be done prior to Sept. 1.

Carver said that although the law delegates selection of the nominee, in event of a resignation, to the County Central committee, any such selection actually would be made by the City committee, which is named after the primary. poppyco*ck" the President's pre- cuts the Congress might make Miss Fran Eward. local public relations consultant and lecturer, Friday nighl was honored at ihe annual Matrix Table of Thela Sigma Phi, national fraternity for women in journalism Miss Eward was presented the Frances Wright memorial award given each year to an Indiana woman for "distinguished work in some phase of journalism," The dinner and program were held at the Columbia club in Indianapolis The award was presented by Mrs. Robert Sturgeon, national president. The award commemorates Indiana's first newspaper woman, the 1 Mimewhul llelnw thai members Thursday noon at the Such programs, he said, are the Leland hotel.

proposals of "professional plan- Dr. Ramsey is active in the In- ners and idealists" which gain diana Free Enterprise Communi- strength under Ihe misconception of Vincennes. What was described as a small 2 ,0 9 degrees hlgher Several minor injuries were re- twister destroyed a house tndthan with the warmest ported in another tornado thai de- barn owned by Robert Dieringer Mry ncx, Wevk and a mid week molished a house and damaged near Paris Crossing in Jennings turn mr cooer R.m expect- two churches in the hamlet of County No one was reported hurt t0 ttn infn or morf tne. Surprise west of Seymour. Lester Wooten.

a Logansport durn( tne and aver. Bruce Reedy suffered a cut on truck driver, said a "puff of age haf an incn or eM elsewhere his right arm when his house was wind" overturned his empty trail- (trees higher efforts to dissuade him. calling ihem the "voices of immobilism and demagogy." While promising that France would cooperate with its allies in the Atlantic defense system, De Gaulle gave no mnt that he would extend this cooperation to the multinational nuclear forces hacked by the United States and most of the other NATO allies. A French nuclear strike force is scheduled to be operational in lale autumn. ly Devekipment league, formed to, that the federal government can favor community development as i do things better than private en- Bank Robbed; Lone Gunman Makes Escape U.S.

Ambassador's Pet Cat Causes Protests In Pakistan PESHAWAR. Pakistan (AP) I said ihe name the cat answers to by the President." Sen. John J. Williams of Delaware supported the Republican committee's views by calling Kennedy's assertion "utterly ridiculous." He added his party will cut the budget if it can. lerprise.

opposed to federal tax-supported demolished by the twister that jer-truck on U. S. 31. 9 miles north swept through the Jackson County of Columbus. Wooten escaped in-villase.

iust off Ind. 258. He was jury. illion Asks By W. R.

Enulle Edward L. Cordell Friday said he intended to carry on his "all-out" campaign In the Republican mayor's race despite announcement by his opponent Paul L. Smith that Smith would be "unable to carry forward" his campaign for the mayor's nomination. Smith's announcement that he was "forced to this decision on the advice and recommendation of my physician" was received by The Palladium-Item, Friday morning. His letter, mailed Wednesday right to The Palladium-Item, was missent to the Natco plant by mistake of the post office.

Cordell said he is forced to campaign actively for the nomination, because Smith's name, under the law, must remain on the ballot. This means that Smith, whether he wants the nomination or not, st ill could be the nominee. Filed Lale Smith had little chance to withdraw after he had filed. His filing was mailed and was received by the county's clerk's office the day after the Mar. 28 filing deadline, but postmarked before midnight of that date.

County Clerk Merle Carver said the withdrawal would have to have been made at least 30 days With Mailing Explosives SAN FRANCISCO (UPI)-Army Capt. Alvin A. Klein Friday was arraigned before U.S. Commissioner Donald B. Constinc on a federal complaint charging him with mailing an explosive to his wife 'with intent to injure." The package containing the explosive exploded In the post office at San Francisco International airport Mar.

18, injuring two postal employees. Postal inspectors said they re treated at Schneck Memorial Hoe programs. He said a federal urban renewal program was stopped in Ann Arbor, in I960 and another in Tucson. in May of Police guards, some with bayonets I now is Gujarat the name of the I Scotswoman, Frances Wright, Sen Allen J. Ellender.

D-La loiumou reported 1 .01 incnes oi rainfall within 40 minutes. The winds hit late in a dav of pital in Seymour and released. Active In Community Miss Eward has been active in community organizations including menu! health, child guidance, Red Cross, Salvation Army andi currently is on a 10-day concen-' trated lecture tour for (he $979,000 Advance fund ol the Indianapolis diocese of ihe Episcopal church She is listed in Who's Who of American Women and is a life member of the Indiana High School Press association. Her other professional affiliations in-' elude Theta Sigma Phi, the Worn- i en's Press Club of Indiana, the; National Federation of Press Women, Altrusa and I'm Kappa Also honored at the dinner were Miss Eleanor Lambert of New York who was presented the "Woman of the Year" award. A native of Crawfordsville, Miss Lambert directs a public relations firm in New York.

The speaker for the affair was Pauline Frederick, National Broadcasting Co. correspondent De Gaulle spoke publicly were POitei Friday at the stale in which Ahmedabad lo- said he agrees that a cut of $15 One hundred yards to the north U.S. consulate and the hotel cated; it is the native slate of the billion a figure suggested by a Restoration Of the Christian Church was so bad-1 widespread thundershower activity who came to this country in ihe early 1800's and joined the historic Rappite community in New Harmony. She later edited a weekly newspaper, and pioneered in the struggle for women's the first time since the historic Jan. 14 news conference at which he rejected a offer of Polaris missiles to be employed in an lv damaged that it was not con- and recurrent threat of turbu sidered usable.

The Methodist I- The Weather Bureau's se Indlanapoli Pln iled He ciled the Indianapolis redevelopment plan as an outstanding one which was accomplished by private enterprise. "But in tm many cases," he said, 'give me liberty or give me death' has become just plain Dr. Ramsey said that under federal urban renewal programs the right of eminent domain condemnation procedures are wrongfully used to take property of one nnrenn ri rA AII it a Church across the road was less ere weather warning for most where most Westerners stay all late Mohandas K. Gandhi, because of an ambassador's cat. This was Peshawar's day of protests arising from a report, AutO DamGQCd that a gift cat for the children! of John Kenneth Galbraith, soon Whilp PnrlfPtH On to retire as U.S.

ambassador to rarKCQ Wn Allied nuclear force. "$43.8 Million the southern half of the state Labor Dispute Hearing Ends Tenth Day Here Miss Fran Eward and industrial firms in Richmond rights. extensively damaged. The same storm hit a MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. (AP) -A silk stocking-hooded bandit armed with a small caliber pistol held up the Eastgate Plaza branch of ihe l-irsl Mei chants National Bank and escaped by car with an undetermined amount of cash.

The getaway auto was found shortly afterward in a factory parking lot, and police questioned De Gaulle said that in the laree effect until 9 p.m Came Here In 1945 me aien was issued alter one barn on the Forrest Guinn farm future France cannot be sure of the intentions of its allies, much few Republicans "across the board would be detrimental." "But I personally believe that selective reductions of $5 billion to $7 billion can be made without hurting the country in any way," he added. 'No American would want his government to bor-row money' to reduce his taxes and that is what must happen unless we cut expenditures." Sen. Bourke B. Hlckenlooper of Iowa, chairman of the Senate Miss Eward came to Richmond "nl surrounding area, in 1945 from her hometown of She also has had an east of Surprise The hayloft ltw northern and central sec WASHINGTON (AP)-Secreiary assembled the shredded package active High School Lot lapsed, killing five head of cattle, llons Mmer ln a of the Treasury Douglas Dillon and traced it to Klein in Saigon, career in radio, is currently the A hearing on an unfair labor ed asked a Senate Appropriations including a prize Shorthorn cow Viet Nam. The complaint said the package was mailed to Klein's Generally fair and midly cool subcommittee Friday to restore I practice charge against Golav CJT nmnn" atier priva gain it.

i i- 1 1 believe this power shou be its tenth dav 1-ndav with Ihe ap- i weather was forecast for Satur i wWVTUlrvWm 0 Cambridge City concluded if i. i o. of Cambridge tity cone uded $43.8 million of $57.3 million cut Duane Chenoweth, 17 years old, 1008 North West street, reported to police Thursday night that cnmniina hml Krrtton infn hn I VHi.T,.. m. India, had been named Ahmed by his children.

Ahmed is one of the holy names of the prophet Mohammed. Ignoring U.S. disclaimers, Moslem religious leaders followed the day's prayers with sermons denouncing the United States. One senior Moslem leader here, Ghulam Ghous Sehrai, said, "Such Hank officials began an audit to pearance on the stand of Otto uwssu uniy on propel ly mai i needed for a permanent public less of its enemies. "Taking into account this immense and inevitable uncertainly," he said, "France must possess the wherewithal to reach any state which was its aggressor, that is the wherewithal to dissuade it from aggression, and according to the circ*mstances, the wherewithal to contribute to the defense of its allies.

"Who knows1" he asked. "This The City committee is formed by the precinct committeemen from city precincts. Ohioan Hurt In Three-Car Accident Jerry Bryant, 29 years old, New Paris, Ohio, Friday night was listed in fair condition at Reid Memorial hospital where he was taken about 1 a. m. Friday following an accident in which three cars were involved, officials said.

He has cuts and bruises and a possible fractured collarbone, hospital officials said. The accident occurred on the New Paris pike about three quarters of a mile east of Richmond, Deputy Sheriff Julian Benner said. Another car involved was driven by William Stamps, 50 years old, New Paris. The third car, which was parked, is owned by Elmer while it was parked on the high 8j Committee, said, "I Greensburg where she had been a high school teacher and supervisor of high school publications. She taught at Dennis Junior high school for two years and then became head of the Earlham College News bureau, a position she held for 12 years.

She has had a varied career in journalism, having edited a number of publications for Earlham and also Union college in Schenectady, N. and business school parking lot Thursday af- tl the united natioas, who spoke on "Alternative in a Nuclear Age." Several hundred fraternity members and their guests from all over the state attended the Other buildings were damaged in the path of the storm, 150 yards wide and a mile long. State police said the same tornado had previously demolished a home and two or three barns near Ind. 135 a mile south of Freetown, about four miles west of Surprise. Beyond Surprise, state police said the storm blew down a barn near U.

S. 31A north of Seymour. Several children suffered minor College Corner School Wins High Ranking from his budget by the House. He and aides took the stand that the reductions mean a big net loss in cash. By far the biggest restoration $30 million of a $32.3 million reduction was sought for the federal tax-collecting agency, the Internal Revenue Service.

Dillon said that if no restora- ternoon. Police said the glass in the left Tax-Poor School Seeks Welsh's Help unholy attacks can no longer be uiiiiwiv anainn vail liw i' UC iui uic same glum ui sail llldl I've taken some of the administration's other claims in the past." Sen. A. Willis Robertson, said he thinks there should be a use, he said. His group Is fighting a federal urban renewal proj ect at the moment in Blooming-ton.

In other areas, he said, such programs reveal "a pattern oi coercion, hasty decisions and waste of taxpayers' money." i i.u i a and urged that Pakis-' and W'T 58 i All. In oain i hpnnu caiH may include America." break with the United States, -I I -I A wife In Chicago, "with intent to Injure another." Klein was returned to the United States last weekend and has undergone psychiatric examination at Letterman Army hospital in San Francisco. Constine reduced bail on the charge from $5,000 to $2,500 and put the marter over until Apr. 25 to give the grand jury time to consider an indictment. He refused a request by Klein's attorney that his client be released on his own recognizance.

The attorney. Bernard Petri, a former U.S. attorney, said: "Capt. Klein and I are convinced that his innocence of this IHMIIHIH vmueu awiui tax gg fc, it snoud accom. was missing and that the ignition De Gaulle underscored several military trea-intention of asserting French sov- Ues.

panied by a cut in "unnecessary determine the amount of the loss, which unofficial sources said might run between and $25,000 Most of the money was said to have been in bills of $20 or less. The gunman, described as tall and slender and wearing a white raincoat over dark trousers, took the money from Edward Vail, an official in charge of the bank at ihe time. The robber ordered Veil to put all the money in his cage into a white flour sack or pillow case. Police were directed to the car used in the holdup on advice of a woman shopper at the plaza. HOBART, Ind.

(AP) A group tion is made the service will have cuts and bruises as some farm Fink and An Gabbard They were witnesses for the defense which started its case two days ago. (abbard, who said he no longer is in a supervisory capacity at the company, and ink testified of their activities on the day of the sit-down strike at the firm's Lee Cylinders division last Nov. 19. They said they questioned the men three times as to whether they would work or not The defense claims that several men fired last Nov. 19 were discharged for refusing to work and to leave the plant.

Arthur Lanker, Indianapolis, counsel for the National Labor Relations board gen- buildings were damaged in ihe of River Forest High School sen- to deal with two million additional wires had been ripped from the engine. He said he had parked the car on the lot about 8 a. m. and ine prayers and sermons in the mosques of the mud-walled old part of Peshawar were de- eastward advance of the storm mrs and their parents, advised the returns in the vear ahead with spending," adding: "Any economy temporarily spurred by inflationary spending is like giving someone a shot of morphine. When the diiufc ui iiivy, piling.

lilt ereignty in the Common Market, too, saying that if the six states were dissolved in the customs union this would "inevitably end in foreign subjection." $8,700 Shortage In Cigarette Tax Unit Revealed INDIANAPOLIS (UPI) An $8,700 shortage in the cigarette tax division of the Indiana Alcoholic Beverage commission was reported Wednesday by the State Board of Accounts. The report showed 290,000 cigarette tax stamps were unaccounted for in a check of the division records for the period from July 1, 1960, to Oct. 30, 1962. ihe school may have to close for lack 600 fewer agents. The storm continued to NOW IN PAPERBACK! Tne ftertrffjrmc Mf beef arller tor mon (Ma "iM NOW ONLY scrmeo oy one Pakistani as tllUCVI IIY UIIC I UK IS ,1 AS internal Mortimer M.

Caplin i trongly critical of the United 0he wears off. you are worse back to his auto about 9 northeast and damaged more of funds a month before gradua-farm buildings and blew down I tion. plan a march on the State- Urges Reds OK Exchange Of Missions p. off than you were before." States. trees in the northeast corner of house in Indianapolis Saturday.

revenue commissioner, told reporters that some 3.000 new employes who could be hired if the Ihe loss is insured Mrs. George Semerau and her Jennings County, south of Greens- MY LIFE IN COURT Democrats son. George leaders of the burg. funds are restored would bring in ch wil) estabiished fun I qrui Persistent Bull iPugh, 2609 New Paris pike. The Knox County storm swept movement, said conferences have Danger appeared to have passed, but strong feelings remained.

Bitterly worded signs were posted in the city. The cat in the controversy was one presented to Galbraith's chil Court News Petri said Klein's wife was in ne saui sue saw a man with a uciwccn iw uiiu t.w minion in extra taxes. a A bins Nizer San Francisco and would stand leave a eral contended the men stocking over his head eastward on a path five miles been arranged with Gov. Matthew south of Vincennes. flattening one E.

Welsh and key members of the CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand Dillon said that even the budget i by him. (UPI) A Jersey bull wandered home, damaging about a dozen General Assembly presented to the Congress was a dren last year when he visited onto a rail line Friday and was Klein was freed after making the $2,500 bail. others and demolishing a trailer River Forest High School is part Spartan one which would mean were lired for engaging in union-organizing activities. The hearing will resume Monday morning in Wayne Superior courtroom. READMORE 929 Moin OK Omitting Port Funds INDIANAPOLIS (AP) Indi the city of Ahmedabad, India.

The struck by a freight train. The Conviction on the charge would rat was first named Ahmedabad, engine was damaged. A railroad for the city. After reports that i guard borrowed a shotgun and carry a maximum possible penalty of 20 years' imprisonment and a $10,000 fine. home.

Some barns also were of the financially harassed Hobart a slowdown in such programs as damaged, and utility wires were Township school system in a Lake i installation of new automanc strewn alongside the storm's path, County area without a major in-! data-processing equipment. The sheriff's department in Vin-! dustry to provide enough tax reve-1 The secretary did not even cennes said the funnel passed nue. There are 3.000 pupils. mention in his presentation the near the St. Vincent's Catholic i Lake County does not have a largest item in his budget $10.02 the children had shortened the Benner said Bryant, eastbound, apparently lost control of his vehicle which went off the road, struck Pugh's car, snapped a utility pole in two, and then crashed into a tree.

The car driven by Stamps, also eastbound, then struck the utility wires and other crash debris and turned over on its right side. Stamps reportedly kicked out the windshield to get out of the car. A mailbox and tree belonging to Fred Foreman. 2621 New Paris pike, were damaged in the ana House Democrats agreed in name to Ahmed, Pakistan news- shot the bull. Later, the bull managed to wander back on the track again and was hit by another train.

The animal's owner papers called for protest demon strations. Orphanage but did not touch it. county-wide tax system to provide billion for interest on the public A U.S. Embassy spokesman in shot the bull this time and killed Wont A Better Lawn? Buy Scotts famous TURF BUILDER to feed your lawn and give it a real head start this spring. dinner meeting.

Kennedy Denies He Wrote Memo WASHINGTON (UPI) The Washington Post said Friday President Kennedy is certain he did not write "SOB" on a memo in reference to Canadian Prime Minister John G. Diefenbaker. The Post said the President thinks the notation on the memo, which became an issue in the recent Canadian elections lost by Diefenbaker. might have been "OAS," in reference to the Organization of American states. The newspaper said it had learned that the memo dated back to May, 1961, at a conference in Ottawa attended by Kennedy.

Diefenbaker, according to the Post, never mentioned the reported "SOB" notation on the memo in his heated conversation with Merchant during the spring of 1962. The prime minister was angry because Kennedy had privately met with Liberal opposition leader Lester B. Pearson at a White House dinner for Nobel Prize winners. The SOB reference was injected in the recent Canadian elections won by Pearson when the Montreal Star said the memo bore the marginal note by Kennedy. "What do we do with the (deleted) on this point?" It was reported later that the deleted portion was SOB.

Kennedy Is Told 8,000 Troops Five houses were damaged by distribution ot tunds to sucn tax- debt in fiscal 1964 starting July I. a windstorm that left a litter of poor townships. A bill to estab- This would be the highest such New Delhi denied the reports but it. GENEVA (AP) The United States said Friday an exchange of special military missions with the Soviet Union would help relax world tension and reduce the risk of war. U.S.

Ambassador Charles C. Stelle told the 17-nation Disarmament conference the missions would help to reassure the two super-powers of each other's peaceful intentions and would have great value "in improving relations and mutual understanding between the two governments." Stelle urged Soviet Delegate Semyon K. Tsarapkin to reconsider his rejection of the idea. Tsarapkin said on Apr. 5 the missions would be nothing more than a Western espionage device.

Stelle said such missions would enable the receiving government to clarify its military activity to twisted trees blocking some Jack- lish such a system in the county payment in history. It is a per COLLEGE CORNER, Ohio. -Union high school at College Corner, Ohio, is listed in the top 170 schools of Ohio, according to a report this week from the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary schools. Of 529 member schools in Ohio, only 170 receive fully accredited status, meaning they meet all requirements of the association. The same report said two schools were dropped from membership because of repeated failure to correct deficiencies.

Also, a total of 352 schools were accredited-advised and seven schools accredited-warned. Everett E. Potts, superintendent at Union high school, said this report, along with the good report from the State Department of Education last week concerning conditions in the school, indicates a high instruction level for College Corner. "I am tremendously pleased," said Potts, "and feel this is a fine compliment to our school, board members, teachers, students and community. "Also," continued Potts, "the condition of our facilities was found to be neat and clean, as the report states, due to the efforts of Basil Leab and his assistants, Mr.

McClure and Mr. Mattix." Potts said the curriculum level had been reached through the combined efforts of both Indiana and Ohio officials since Union high school is operated jointly. And he pledged the school will continue its efforts to grow as the needs of education grow. caucus Friday night that Indiana's proposed Lake Michigan port should not be included in a 1963-65 state budget. The Democrats caucused nearly two hours, part of the time with Gov, Matthew E.

Welsh, who has strongly backed the proposed deepwater harbor in Porter County Rep. Robert L. Rock, D-Ander-son, House minority leader, asked son County roads a mile northwest next year has passed both houses manent appropriation; the Con- of Uniontown. No injuries were of the legislature but has not come i gress does not have to pass on it iNGcuGQ I tl VOtlQO City Court Herbert Patterson, 825 North Twentieth street, was fined $10 and costs and sentenced to 120 days in jail for public intoxication. Phillip Stamps, New Paris, Ohio, was fined $5 and costs on a charge of public intoxication.

Everett Denny, New Castle, was fined $10 and costs and given a 30-day jail term for public intoxication. Joseph Durham, Centerville, was fined $7 and costs for being disorderly. The following persons have paid $2 fines for parking violations: Deral E. Dils. P.

0. Box 153, parking by yellow curb; Robert Jones, 516 South Sixth street, improper parking; National Auto Parts, 1701 New Paris pike, parking by yellow curb, and Tom Brit-tenham, Dayton, improper parking. Clifford Knodle, Young Men's reported. out of the governor's office 1 each year. Officials sav a $165,000 state Although there were no reports Sen.

A. Willis Robertson, Closed Session Held In Thresher Inquiry of a funnel cloud the area, resi-1 grant-in-aid is needed immediate-! asked Dillon for his estimate of Four Permits Are Renewed By Liquor Board The Wayne County Alcoholic Beverage board Friday afternoon renewed four liquor permits for Richmond business places and forwarded them to the Indiana Alcoholic Beverage board for final approval. The board's next meeting is Apr. 26 in the courthouse. Permits approved for renewal Friday included: Kops Liquor, package store at 1814 North street, to sell beer, liquor and wine.

Westcott Hotel, restaurant-tavern, 1000 East Main street, to ell beer, liquor and wine. Raeburn L. and Ruth M. Fin-ley, doing business as Cafe No. 39, restaurant-tavern at 39 North Eighth street, to sell beer, liquor and wine.

Eugene Sulprizio for a grocery at 1100 North 1 street, to sell beer and wine. dents reported a big black cloud ly to pay teachers' a 1 a i 1 the debt on June 30, 1964, the end car near the bank. She said the sight caused her to make a mental note of the car's license number. After driving a few blocks to her home she returned to learn the bank had been robbed. Police said Ihe bandit apparently had twitched to another auto.

Roadblocks were set up on bolh sides of the Indiana Michigan line. Hinge Sawed Off Safe At Local Insurance Office An attempt was made Thursday night to force open one of two safes in the offices of the Metropolitan Insurance company, 121 North Tenth street. Police said entry was made to the office building by breaking a window on the north side of the building. Monty Dickerson, custodian at the Richmond Community Schools office next door, noticed the broken window and called police. Investigating officers said a hack saw had been used to saw off the hinges on one of the two safes.

Nothing else in the office was touched. SPECIAL OFFER SAVES YOU $5 Turf Builder, 5,000 sq ft UKt 18" Scott Spreader of the new financial year. and a "roar like a train as more through April. than a dozen barns and other River Forest Principal Edward WASHINGTON (UPI)-The former commander of united nations forces in Katanga told President Kennedy late Friday it would be "desirable" to maintain 7,500 to 8.000 united nations troops in the Congo for the next four or five months. The situation then should be re Shrimp-Size Portion Of Brain Controls Emotions The secretary answered that it PORTSMOUTH, N.H.

(AP)-A farm buildings were damaged, Weisse told a Parent-Teacher As- js expected to reach $315.6 billion Farm wagons were blown away, sociation meeting Thursday the compared with the present $305 after the caucus whether Democrats had abandoned their drive ftr the port, answered: "Yes, I would say that's about it." Rock said the House Demo- billion. ine souuiDouna lanes ot inter- scnooi may nave to close May i. state 65 were blocked an hour Its graduation exercises are sched- Turf Mi: An other side and avoid misun- viewed, and there might be PHILADELPHIA (UPI) area of the human brain HO about1 derstandings. 18 further reduction of forces jf cratic budget conferee, Rep. Rich near Uniontown.

uled May 27. The seniors and Television towers were toppled their parents fear a month's loss a three-block section of Rich- of classroom work might impair Fire Claims Both for only ard C. Bodine of Mishawaka. was progress can be made in retrain ing the Congolese army so it can released to sign any budget conference committee report he wasn't much time for casualty and other drills." He said many malfunctions had been corrected and the Thresher was "in excellent condition" when she sailed April 9 for a deep sea test dive. She sank with the loss of 129 lives the following day in 8,400 feet of water 220 miles off Boston.

DeStefano was transferred from the Thresher to another assignment the day before she left. Lt. Raymond A. McCoole, 33, of Dover, N.H., who was on a Christian association, was fined $2 for jaywalking. mood northwest side, where the college entrance qualifications, tin roof on the Keystone Beverage Township Trustee Clark Johnson plant also was ripped away.

has said that unless help is forth-A Richmond housekeeper report- coming, he would turn the school ed seeing a funnel cloud aloft, but keys over to Welsh and let him Large Barn Near Lynn Superior Court David L. Robertson has been maintain peace. This, it was disclosed Friday night, was the answer Kennedy got when he asked Indian General D. Brem Chad how many troops would have to be main- PH. 2 2111 18 S.

6th -i -i i -i run the system. it did not touch ground. granted a divorce from Mary J. Robertson on grounds of cruel and Navy court of inquiry met behind guarded doors Friday to hear classified testimony after open disclosures that the submarine Thresher was plagued by mechanical problems up to the eve of her last trip. The court heard the following witnesses in Friday's session: William H.

Barnes 3rd, U.S. engineering experimental station at Annapolis; Edwin G. Savasten of the Navy's David Taylor model basin in Washington; Daniel P. Trefethen, a Portsmouth naval shipyard design engineer; and Navy Capt. Samuel P.

Heller design superintendent at Portsmouth. Three other witnesses were heard behind closed doors Thursday night. They were: Chief Petty Officer Frank DeStefano, 29, of Hartford, Lt. R. Bruce Rule of the staff of the command Stelle said the American proposal for exchange of missions is closely linked to the project of a "hot line" between Washington and the Kremlin, which the Soviet Union has accepted in principle.

Informal discussions between Stelle and Tsarapkin are continuing on the sidelines of the conference to work out the details of the hot line, a direct teletype cable to link the two governments. Stelle said the United States is prepared to go ahead with the hot line scheme even if the Soviets refuse to accept an exchange of military missions. Fire of undetermined tained in the Cong- LYNN We Deliver inhuman treatment. Mary Robertson was restored her former origin destroyed a large frame Also participating in the White House meeting was Brigadier barn on the Henry Funk farm the size and shape of a small shrimp controls the major emotions of love, hate and fear, according to Dr. Van Buren O.

Hammett, chairman of the psychiatry department at Hahnemann Hospital. "The hate-fear center develops in the human embryo before the love-goodness center," he told a meeting of physicians at the hospital Thursday. He attributed the early development of the hate-fear center to the fact that man had to fight to survive long before he ever learned to live in peace. Hammett said normal fear warns a person of danger, marshalling the body for protective action. He added that neurotic fear serves no useful purpose and, if chronic, causes sickness.

Friday evening. The farm is lo- Reginald Noronha, commander of Officers Discuss Responsibilities During WCTU Spring Institute cated five miles west of U.S. -36 Arrested Driver Pays $61.25 On 2 Charges; Others Fined John Porterfield, 21 years old, 30-mile zone on South Ninth 15 North Eighteenth street, after street. then a mile north and a quarter NOW AT SCHULER'S favored. Rock said that probably would include an appropriation of in present Indiana Port Commission funds for a pilot model and feasibility study of the proposed project.

Rock said he had learned that was as far as the Republicans would go on the project. Pleads Guilty To Kidnaping FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) -James L. Kendrick, 27, Fort Wayne, pleaded guilty Friday to two counts of kidnaping and one count of armed robbery. Wayne Bender, 45.

and his wife, Betty, told police Kendrick forced his way into their home and then of a mile west from Lynn. Called to the scene about 9 The Wayne County Woman's Christian 1 emperance union p. members of the Lynn lire Friday's appearance in City court, Arthur Horr. 27, 129 Newman's department learned that the barn two-day leave when the submarine sank, said more than a dozen malfunctions had to be corrected in the final two weeks. He said the Thresher experienced continuing trouble maintaining air pressure, operating the starboard main seawater inlet valve, adjusting the starboard torpedo tube shutters, and correcting the rudder and planes which controlled the sub's diving angle.

McCoole, however, said he felt the Thresher was "completely seaworthy" and its crew "the best in the U.S. Navy." name of Mary Joanne McKee. Keith D. Carty has filed a petition for divorce against Janice C. Carty.

The couple was married May 1962. and separated Jan. 13, 1963. Joan Liebert has been granted a divorce from Earl Liebert on grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. She also was awarded custody of two minor children.

Circuit Court The divorce and custody suit of Marie Louise Calloway against Donald James Calloway has been dismissed on her motion. uc ui juuge mm- nm. aisregaraing a irarnc signal nad been burning for some time aid's court for 30 days at least, on National road west, $5 and The Funk family was not at San Jose, Costa Rica, with more than 102,000 population, stands in the central highland of Costa Rica 40 miles inland from the Pacific and 50 miles from the Caribbean. me inoian troops wnicn nave been withdrawn from the Congo. The meeting with Kennedy, believed to have lasted less than a half hour, was unannounced.

The White House said it was a courtesy call. It was learned, however, that Kennedy was brought up to date on what united nations officials have set as desired troop levels in the Congo. Four Arrested For Burglary Porterfield faced three charges costs, before Judge Ronald, two of them Kathenne Wilke. 50. Union City home when the fire was discovered, nor had any member tor operating without a driver's going 50 miles per hour in a 35-, returned at a late hour Friday l.f.nv.rA 1 1 I er of the anti-submarine defense force at Norfolk, and Capt.

Patrick Leahy of the Navy's Bureau of Ships in Washington. The court said the witnesses heard in secret session gave information of a classified nature. rv.m un a miie zone on rinin sireei, night uiiveia uiarge early mis ana costs. Known to have been destroyed week after a minor accident at Leland Pierce, 40, Cambridge in the fire were a tractor and Sixth and Main streets. Thursday City rural route, speeding 46' two automobiles.

It is not known Foreign Aid Must Be Cut, Group Says CHICAGO. The United States must make drastic reductions in foreign aid spending if a serious national financial crisis is to be averted, the directors of the Illinois Manufacturers' association (IMA) said Thursday, according to a Chicago Tribune news story. The IMA board, in a resolution to the congress, said the country's legislative leaders must balance international payments to stop the drain on gold reserves and start the country living within its means. Warn Of Obligations "Never before in the history of the world has any nation obligated itself for so much, endangering its economy," the resolution said. "The return for our huge outlays is dubious.

We are not buying lasting goodwill or friends. The failure of this program to deter communism is distressing." Columbia University Group Honors Gen. MacArthur to ne was arrested again, tms time miles per hour in a 30-mile zone whether there is any insurance when police halted him for speed- on National road west, $5 and cover the loss. A quiz session, "Making Our Work Known" was given by Mrs. Mazie Edwards.

The carry-in luncheon was enjoyed at noon in the church basem*nt. The afternoon session was opened with group singing of "It Is No Secret" and prayer was given by Mrs. Mazie Edwards. Mrs. Mary Lutz and Mrs.

Anna Burroughs sang a special, "Follow the Gleam." The Christian Citizenship and International Relations depart ments were explained. The playlet "I Want To Be Counted" was given by the Dalton WCTU union. The afternoon address was given by Rev. Leonard Lutz, pastor of the White Branch Church of the Brethren. His subject was "Measuring Up to Our Responsibilities." Rev.

and Mrs. Leonard Lutz joined as new members of the Dalton WCTU. DeStefano, one of two Thresher crewmen who did not sail on the final trip, said in open court Thursday that the crew was so mg 44 miles per nour in a 30- costs Lynn Fire Chief Harry Moore I FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) -Pr (WCTU) held its annual spring institute this week at the White Branch Church of the Brethren, northwest of Hagerstown. The meeting opened with singing of "Let Us Work for Temperance," and "Throw Out the White Line." The devotions were given by Mrs.

Myrtle Smith, who read from John She then read the story of the song, "Break Thou the Bread of Life." Miss Ruth Wilkinson read the WCTU pledge. Mrs. Nola Foreman and Mrs. Daisy Perkins sang a special song, "His Eye Is on the Sparrow." The officers' panel discussion was "My Responsibility Ruth Wilkinson, president, talked on, "Presentation of State and Local Projects and Ways of Daisy Perkins, treasurer, "Meeting State, County and Local Obligations Nola South Sixteenth Mary Phillips, 54 years old, 17 reported the barn and its contents Bm arrested four persons Friday mile zone on street. NEW YORK (UPI) Gen PRICED FOR YOUNG LOVERS into Stillman's, a downtown department store.

Bender, store manager, said he was forced to open a safe. Police arrived as Kendrick was attempting to loot the safe, but he threatened to shoot the manager if they didn't let him escape. However, Det. Capt. Charles Hen- South Twenty-third street, going a totai loss busy correcting equipment "there Queen Of Love Diamond Solitaire.

$149.50 Bolh Rings Only $3 Weekly ALL on preliminary charges of second and third degree burglary after finding blank car registration cards and printing equipment in an anartmpnt fhpv charoH Douglas MacArthur, who told the congress that old soldiers fade away and for 12 years has done anything but that, said Friday that the proper study of history NEW ADMIRAL Parking Meter Fines 1963 m. For speeding, Porterfield was 36 miles per hour in a 20-mile fined $5 and assessed $16.75 court zone on Whitewater boulevard, costs. A three-day jail term was Ethel Roberts, 44 years old, suspended, on condition that Por- Richmond State hospital, speeding terfield not drive for 30 days and 43 miles per hour in a 30-mile that he not apply for a driver's zone. North street, $3 and costs, license within that period On one Maurice Morge, 51. Terre of the driver's license charges he Haute, speeding 45 miles per hour was fined $5 and costs On the in a 30-mile zone on National sage to the luncheon said few men of our time had attained the stature of MacArthur and that it was "singularly appropriate" that his name could be lent to "establishment of an influential chair for the study and writing of history." Former President Dwight D.

Eisenhower, a sponsoring committee member, recalled in a letter his years under MacArthur's command and said: "No one could be Dennis Haifley and William r5uauea na- should build the "fires of patriot rick to surrender. ism and sacrifice" in students Exile Reports 2nd Invasion Not Promised DUAL-TEMP REFRIGERATOR and TRUE SUB-ZERO FREEZER I Kendrick will be sentenced May 13. by Hi maltars of Morningstar, both 18 of Fort Wayne, were held for $500 bail. Donald Dixon. 21, Hudson, N.

was held for $5,000. Officers said iIiL mam LOCK that will preserve America as a free nation. MacArthur spoke on the twelfth anniversary of his "old soldier" address to the congress. He was guest of honor at a luncheon at other he was fined $1 and costs road west, $5 and costs. Dixon's 16-year-old brother also Qof Their Goat 1Z7 aucsicu anu lurnea over to Phillip Goodman, 69, Cleveland, Ohio, speeding 57 miles per hour exposed to a man of his intelli Total of fines and costs wag $61 25.

Others who appeared on traffic MIAMI. Fla (AP) Dr Manuel juvenile authorities DALLAS (UPIl Pll77lfl enl. opnro ranaritv anH rliipn canco nf A lifetime of beauty, captured in rings priced with budgets in mind. Choice of 1 4 Karat whita or yellow gold. AS LITTLE AS in a 30-mile zone on East Main Antonio de Varona spokesman Police found blank Florida autoidiers at the National Guard ar- CU.

FT. devotion to our country without corresjwnding secretary Mm bV a. I "la lilFimliirA ash Kami LWa rnm charges in cases in which costs street, $10 and costs. for the snlit-un Cuhan Rpvnlntirin. reeistration rarrf fnr lQfil nci r- ttino immraiiiirah thrrp.

i.nuiuci shijj v.a.n- were $16.75, were i i i 1 hi new nrasttiu wror Daniels, 39, Indianapo- arv rn.mril taiH PriHav nr and ISfiS nin Uaitim.M i r.ij. L. i r. I 1 tl anu otunuaiu 01 excellence from. The following persons have been fined $1 for parking meter violations: Paul E.

Storer, 305 South Sixth street; Joseph L. Risk, 1106 South Ninth street; Myron J. Roll, Rural Route Lucille Frazier, Fountain City; Vera C. Peelle, Cambridge City; Frank Bond, Hagerstown; Chester Theobold, 421 Carol drive; Diane Reece, Lynn. D.

B. Waller, New Augusta; Mrs. Flossie Brouse, Winchester; Chenoweth Cadillac, 1107 East Main street; Ernie Weyl, Connersville; Vivian Buick, 3200 East Main street; Richard Aus-terman, Greensfork; Robert Robinson, 1910 Chester boulevard; George Hull, 716 South Twenty- John W. Miller. 32 vears old lis An, mil h.r 7ZT VT-T ITT.

i rnuay wn mey ever did to goats Rock- ana vera srmln. recording secre mn." pivsiiiisc uy ricaiUCIH ly" vcilltic upCTHlUr New York Gov. Nelson A. Cambridge City. $3 and costs.

a jvmiie tune on nauonai roaa Kennedy for a second invasion of licenses and a rubber stamp kit efeller in a speech introducing tary. "Accurate Minutes Needed $m5o speeding 42 miles per hour in a west. $8 and costs. to complete the registration forms Youth Week will be Apr. 21-28.

Luba One of Varona's aides added 1 1 Authorities said the quartet ad- Last Monday three goats rammed through the front door of the armory, and Thursday a trio of the animals launched a similar attack. i i i i Li Bennett Archambault, president of IMA and chairman and president of Stewart-Warner corporation, said the resolution notes that the Clay committee report on foreign aid confirms the organization's 10-year stand against the aid giveaway programs. However, Archambault said the Clay report should have given more emphasis to the problem of the country's continued deficits in the balance of international payments and to the continued loss of gold. the ne snouio nave Know it mere "eu several oreaK-ins in 6 Radiant Diamonds MacArthur called him "a legend in his own time, an inspiring symbol and a vivid reminder of the greatness that lies within the free society of this nation." The Youth Temperance council's district meeting will be held at the Fountain City Friends church at 2 p. m.

Apr. 28. EASY CREDIT TERMS I Fort Wayne area ever was such a promise." $49ia Khrushchev's Appeal To Save Life Of Spanish Red Rejected By Franco lo Ksral whita i told Dr Jose Miro Cardona, who quit Thursday as council dent chareed then that Presidpnt storage for eggs, a i Js BUTTER, jars, pUl Hi P1RIFTY ONLY MADRID. Spain (AP) Gen. rect messaee to Franco from a Kennedy had backed nut on a Whitewater "Your Life" Program Honors Mrs.

Marvin Higgs rrancisco rrancos La net j-ri- Soviet leader, would be answered promise of a second invasion. day nigm refused to commute tne by the Spanish ruler "in correct Prior to resignation of Miro Federal Misuse Of Power Charged In Steel Case 259 ngm memoers over auier- WHl 1 tWA I fc.R Mr. and Mrs. I Marvin Hiees office manap.r munist leader Juhan Grimau Gar-1 The tmUm mm wh ih vn I u. A S' "ice manager and eight members over differ- WHITEWATER -Mr.

and Mrs. 6 Dazzling Diamonds I ns $99.50 S2.00 Weekly -JEjK fcoWi ring auiiiuii- llyt3 wrie UK SUDieClS nf first street; Mrs Larry Foster, 516 South Seventh street; Fesler Roller, 108 South Twenty-fourth; street; Mrs. William Stack, Ru- ral Route Barbara J. Combs, 304 North West street; Don Harmon, 1420', North West Fifth the Richmond Pressings, i i annual I nib which a sponsoring committee headed by President Kennedy announced the establishment of a MacArthur chair of history at Columbia university. "I thank you from the bottom of an old soldier's heart." Mac-Arthur said.

"If there is one thing I have learned during my long years of experience it is that if we would correctly solve the problems of the present and chart a safe course into the future we must study and weigh and understand the manifold lessons of which history is the great, indeed, the only, competent teacher. "For as Cicero put it 80 years before the birth of Christ, 'Not to know what happened before one Wat born is always to be a Historians Same MacArthur said that contemporary historians, biographers and other chroniclers of historic events probably are not better or worse than the ones preceding them. "Not many possess that high degree of self-discipline which will permit them to rise above emotion," he said "For bias and prejudice color many historical writings to confuse and mislead the Bridal Shower by gause It's the time of year for showers (the indoor variety, too) and we just love to help hostesses plan shower decorations! And. we think, nothing makes a nicer, longer-lasting gift than a green planter in blend-with-everything copper containers. Memo to lale spring or June bride-to-be: Come in early and let ik help you plan your flower needs lor the "big day." GAUSE Florist vitiiitinj saia ruirusncnev toio rran- on tne council, varona nas main-1 Your Life program given Fri- sent personally to Franco by So-jco all mankind would be grateful tained every effort should be day night at the Whitewater WITH TRADE-IN viet Premier Khrushchev as if Grimau life was soared made to flations i school improve street; Daphne Cook, 1825 Weiss is active in the Farm Bureau and after the fiist of July will be a member of the board of education of the Northeastern Wayne school district.

As mementos of the occasion, a felt memory book, made by Mrs cieariy an instrument There was no indication when between the United Stales and road; Lester H. Feltv, 427 Union! The program is sponsored by he Whitewater Mothers' club the sentence will be carried out, the ami-Castro exile groups pike; William Schwab, 837 South Ihe Cabinet found no cause to if Grimau is to be executed Varona made his statement dur- Both Mr and Mrs Higgs are commute the death sentence im Before the r.abinet session Sixth street. Rocco Vecerra, 321 North Elev it ing a brief news conference in active in community affairs Safa storag-evn for ica cream In Admiral's True Mr Hi0 ic m.mK., Pre Burgess, and a tape re- poaed Thursday on Grimau, 52, was generally predicted in Ma-; which he said the council planned Plenty of shelf space! 3 full-width shelves two of them glide-out I enth street; Bob Allen, 808 South Mothers' rhih anri th i cording of the "This is Your CHAMPAIGN, III. (UPI) The federal government "has no business using real or implied threats to dictate prices," a Chicago candy executive declared Thursday. William H.

Rentschler, president of Stevens Candy Kitchens. Inc who was the Republican candidate for United States senator in I960, madp the criticism in a talk at the University of Illinois law school. "Is there a courageous steel ex-ective somewhere in the country who will tell this to President Kennedy, Sen Paul Douglas, D- i.wii unu mat rrnco wouiu commute a series ot meetings to draw up The Palladicm-Item AND SUN-TELEGRAM Published Sunday morning and tacn weekday, except Saturday, it II North Ninth itrert. Richmond, by Palladium Publlihlm Oornoratlon r.ntered as apcond clasa matter Mat. mi, at ine Pott Office at Richmond ind under the Act of Mtr.

J. 117 Subscription Rates lownt. cities, and rural routes having earner delivery: 40 cents per week. Rural routes without carrier delivery: tie per year. S7.M foe an months, I for three months In Warne County.

Indiana: II1M per year, KM for til months, S3 00 for three roontna Fayette, Franklin, Henry. Randolph, Rush and Union counties in Indiana, and But lr, Darke and Preble counties in Ohio All other according to United States P'x'al Zone, per month: Zones I and J. I Zone 1. jus Zona Sl.49. Zone S.

ll.H; Zona I. tl 85: Zone 7. 11.71; Zona II 81 Sunday only outside trad Ing area: 01 for one year. IJ 10 for ai month SO cent per month The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all the local news printed in this newsosper as well as ail AF new dispatches ga told newsmen. 1 tne sentence to a lone prison a statement of the council's in i rreezeri Tight-sealing magnetic door that opens at a touch I Methodist church and is a leader sealed in- illy Pit Power Grimau was convicted, among; term, possibly 30 years.

tentions and an invitation for all wages in peace time Nor does he have the moral right to use the massive power of his office to bend free people to his will. is high time the people of this nation rise up and protest this incredible misuse of power. "The fact that President Kennedy has exercised some degree of 'restraint' today does not alter the basic fact that he and his associates evidently claim some 'divine right' to manage the destinies of free enterprise and free citizens." Rentschler said he had "no special concern for the steel industry." but added that "I fear in the long run for the shopkeeper, the small businessman, the doctor, the farmer, for all free people." steel Unit! Life" program, in addition to a corsage, were presented to Mrs. Higgs. A variety show and numbers Eleventh street; E.

J. Steel, 1100 North street; G. Midkiff, 206 Pearl street; Mrs. Merle Thorn, Cambridge City; Beulah Isom, Cambridge City. in 4-H work The fact that Mrs Higgs was a other things, of heading a dmm-j Some Spaniards said Khrush-j Cuban revolutionary organizations newj cuurc mi sou nauonansis cnev message and the Commu-(to join it in a united movement member of the committee plan to their deaths during he nine the program complicated i 'I nwy organized North- Carol Retz, Economy: Mary matters a little, said Mrs Robert Wayne band preceded then Roscoe Fourman mst protests might harm Gri- against Fidel Castro, mau's case rather than help it.

Varona once Cuban minister Various Spanish officials ex- of State said. "I have not and prOTed irritation at what they will not designate myself presi- wnite. as second secret meetings lclul evem oi ine evening Arcanum, Ohio; G. Davis cor- Mrs had to be scheduled to keep Mrs. 227 W.

MAIN TV and) APPLIANCES Civil War of 1936-39 There was still a slim chance that Franco might decide to spare Gnmaus life. Fraga said that Khrushchev' I telegram, marking the first di- ANDYS Lucille Wise, pianist of iporation. North Twelfth and Ml an I .1 I I III. and others1" Rentschler wjiimiuiiHi unn ui uk unincii, ana am Mjzes Jrom disrnvenno- that th Fmintain r.tx, ul ide-it campaign on Grimau i behalf, merely acting now as its sec re i was one of the suhiertji nf thei nf -hmH His task must be to win-j asked. 1100 Nat Rd.

West streets; William Schwab, 837 South Sixth street, and Ronnie Grubbs, 41414 North West First street. wrt nn tr-a! I I even now out fact from fiction. program. I accompaniment for the program. The president has no legal right to meddle with prices or President Kennedy in a.

Palladium-Item from Richmond, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.