News Journal from Mansfield, Ohio (2024)

THE MANSFIELD NEWS SEXDAV. MARCH 10. DAYTON STIVERS ON WAY TO EIGHTH CAGEJTTLE EMPIRE STEEL BOWLERS TAKE LEAD IN INTERCITY TOURNEY rav, ten Mansfield High School Grapplers In 288 Victory Over Cleveland School McKlNLEY, FIND LAY AND FREMONT ALSO SURVIVE IN JOUST Id bi-tl- trappier Eddie Watkins then their ru.uii last night at Hiv-wii exactly tne unie uioura -uii nuua, iu winw iiig'ht Teams In Class A And Eight In Class Survive KADY Kit AV ATS TAKE SECOND PLACE AFTER FIRST DAY OF JOUST Twenty More Booster Teams Take To Lanes This Afternoon; Steel Workers Pile Ub 2569 Pins For Lead; Beal Hits 258 For Kady Kravats EMPIRE STEEL bowlers took the lead in. the Intucity pin tournament which opened at the Recreation lanes last evening. The Empire pin poppers struck away to a total to take the lead for the openins night.

Twenty more teams will go to the runways today to wrestle for the leadeiuhip in the booster division The Kadv Kravats were next going two overtimes awarded the match to Bar no by a i 1 1 tl.nt- Uruli i n-rtu lull- that Wal'z hurt iiioi- hieh Rvni with nn over- mat mjcim won. dracUock i all, ruling was Frazer Mat-Cartnev was next in 28 to 8 vU.lory over Barno and Fredericks could not Semi-imals Ana uo to uoiuinutr; tins ween, Stivers Favored To Cleveland West Tech exponents of role of the victor, Ihrowitift one nfterthe1, BreaUy 10 tlie iiul ortint 'Ublsnskl twice in two overtime 10 a con-lus" lUo1 UlP showed Eameness by showing will- Fvid'entiv sufteruiK the KtiiiK of I oeriods. Tl regular six-muiute reaular slx-tnjnutc bout and two ingness to continue bir also djs-their lop-sided defeat at. the hands: bout was a Craw and then thev overtimes. played some terrible bram work by of Marshall Friday nlitht at arnppled twice more lor two-min- The onlv West Tech victory was allowing Barno to butt him at will.

-d Coach Clorunn's lads ue In the first of these scored in the heavywei-ht A siriesten would have avoided any MacCartnev flconed his Barno. the same man who drew of the wild rushes started clean DAYTON Stiver skk-! to be iieadni loi e.ghtu Ohio slate championship. Nothing lo be in the path of the who brushed aside Cincinnati Withrow. 2ti to l.i to win the s-uithwcst district tommy at Day, While ail this was going on in the Jar coiner the Canton MrKin'e'- mopping on at Akron, winning the northeast district ui'Jf titie by nosing out Akron North. 23 to 21.

in an ir.oir fM-cf'maii lust before the two minutes iwith Fredericks, came back for a across the high school gymnasium second bout. The Mansiield team, coached by He rushed at Olin Waltz seven or .1. C. Gorman and Eddie Watkins. eicht times, r'ach time butting him former Ohio State wrest linsj cap-.

tins vi ar thev showed nggres- and duplicated in to sivrncs.s mid had the dual meet win t'e match, lone before the final bouts Th- slowest match of the eve- i.f lh line with a 2M total for the eve Following aio the with three ning's work while the Buckeye I. hi- iirsl nine tennis bat av ay in the ieii, lime next, line 111a Willi li neaa. wauz made no ei- lam liu.m-u iu jmsim These two teams ar row the lavoiitis to tmais at next Fi-idav and Saturday himsdl in the- manner he the event with a 1:33 time ad-'fort to set out of the road and wins and three defeats. The M. H.

Ak-ron East will also uo to the alter Ms opponent in the no-'van age over Coleman of West fmallv one of these mm rusnes.o. mappiers wsi. xu -yim North and Dayton -Stivers. 1 ll Fl er iXech. the above the; Adams 19 1-2 to 1 1-2.

Fredericks lunibu-. late finals at the Coliseum in Co lumbus. The East lad.s whipped. niy'roN Mar 1.3 -Stivers Tomasli in loss than two minutes. Empire Steel No.

2 Kady Kravats Buckeye Linen 21V! Kiwttnitf chili 2-iri Mansfii ld-Lelaiul 2-l2 King Oplicals Empire Steel No, 1 Martin Hardwaie 23''ii Mansfield Recreation IS'U iv.o oi the bouts were draws. eye. "n- with the Clevelanders who won the cjtjr resiling championship. Tlie ens are in third place with a 2173 mark. Leading tin- assault on tli-i ma les for Individual honors last night wa.i Beal of the Kudy Kravats.

lie smote the Htieks foi a game in his second try. He ended with i poor 12G to wreck his total, compiling 562. Cleveland Heights, 26 to 18. their H.hmA ot tllls It warn Marks lust fall this year. finals fit Akron, both Akron time.s winner of the state1 Myei's and Kpang then U)Hk tne I renresentina the district in mat r.nd Myers added to Mans-, 4-est ot the Mansncid matmen macie a great even outclassed i by John Marshall, city champion for the fourth consecutive year.

U.c'ia.t Veassin of Chilheothe came through to win be two ktrollB c.n- u'Jflv hold nluZnrn tinmti Prank Lazio added more points to' r.osing out Iionton. ii to .0. in tm thp sou) ijwrstcrtr Ohio district total when lie threw i finals. t)ie slate ba-sketball tournament SPORT SIDELIGHTS By Jack Sords 0. S.

CAGERS Al's Kicks Basketeers in ciass coiiipruuuii l. 1 1 1 i bp hpW coiumbus next week. I ter St. Mao's surprised the Marys- The UavUm flve Uljs afternoon LUMBERMENS Defeat Siegenthalers 43-40 ville team and won. lb to 12.

Home th(, strmi(? pui.rcl highi LUIHDLRIHLII1.J The Siefrenthaler basketears ent down before -the Al's Kicks township came tniougii five oy a at Athens. 23 to 18. of 24 -to-17. Tonight the local Jefferson was nosmu out. Eaton.

won (l.0)1) Withrow Jiip.h 17-15. Cincinnati. 26 lo 13. However, none of teams is, looked ujiou as one of the eight GUN CLUB IN MONTHLY MEET which will win tne crown at lo--. Garver's Institution Lads Wh 34th Game Of Season, 58-27 Tlie Reformatory baskctecrs hunt up their 33 victory in 34 start? when thev trampled the Akroi-Zarcone Grocers tinder a 58-2' quintet yesterday night at the local in a closely contested name which held no Interest, nev-crtheless, until the last quarter when both teams began to serious.

The final score was 13-40. At the end of the first pei io.l the winners held a 17-1 advintao. The Sieenthaler five then Decided to play basketball, with -he re STATE TOURNEY CAGE REMITS jfe't S. R. Official Speaks To Trap Shooters Friday Evening limibus.

The team that everybody 'and his mother thinks will cop is! I lie strong Tiffin Junior Order home1 team which romped through at I indlay. The Tiffin Juniors are ally a A aggregation and: have been beating class A schools but get in under the wire in class competition. The eight teams to light in the finals is A class at Columbus fol sult that they held their opponents to three meager points, while they FIRST ROUND GlAI 'TAUIAaJ AeAVY- WNjL'; WeiGrtT, WEIGABO lO A FbJiDS AT BIRTM A. T. Sneeringer, educational supervisor at the Ohio State reformatory, was the principal at the monthly dinner-meeting DISTRICT Class A At DELAWARE Columbus North.

18; Columh" low: Find lay. Fremont, Akron East of the Lumbcrmens Mutual Insur- score at the Reformatory yesterday afternoon. Randall, Garver, and Key accounted for most of the Garver-' men's points, the two last men-1 tioned men making connections for seven double deckers apiece, while Randall contented himsch with six. 1 Shannon and Davis went best for tlie Akron lads, the former tossing in four fielders to lead them 1 in their scoring. Of the 15 players who saw service in the contest all scored at least two points wilh the exception, of Herman.

1 Canton McKinley, Chillicothe, Co- Central. Columbus South, 27: ancc Co. Gun club Friday evening I Columbus West. 22. at Lumbennens Helithts.

i A' Westervllle I Some very interesting informa- Danville, 7: West Jelferson, 18 tion regarding the stale liistitu- BARNEY fmcasler fit. Mary's. 33: Wese'-- tion was given out by Sneeringer; winners with five double deckers to his credit. Vogel connected for seven points for the Cubs. Score: 1 Ma flower 3'! Charles, 1 3 Vanderniaik, 1 0 Shade, 5 Oil Bell, 3 i Totals 15 2 libs 13 Vocel.

3 1 7 J. Hoffman, 3 0 'i Haibaugh, 1 0 2 HaJtlett. 1 0 Lemunyon, 2 0 1 G. Hoffman, 0 0 Mover, 0 2 HI 3 Al's Kicks 13 1 Ml-' Berry, 7 2 3 PI Poreii. 1" 1 1 :1 0 2 2 1 00 I-amhoi ton.

1 1 Totals 19 7 Siegcntlialer'fi HI Huck. 4 1 0 Masni, 0 0 0 0 Swanger, 6 1 II Kittlebui yer. 3 1 0 1 1 Kuelin'g. 0 1 -i Vogel, 5 0 1 HI 19 2 2 tj iville. 18.

Marvsville, 18; who traced the inmate from the: town, 16. Rushvllle. 20: London. 18. lime he entered the O.

S. R. to garnered 11 markers, making th' count 20-12 at half tune. Both teams scoied fiequeil'ly in the third quitrler, bringing th score to 34-28 a', the end of In period, still in the Al's Kicks In the last period two of the Siegenthaler men went out on personals, namely Huck and Kitilo-bui'jfer. Fiitz Vogel seemed to he the only man on the losers quinte: who could find the hoop at all ui Ihe final quarter.

Marion Poivn sewed up the contest in the closing minutes witli two easy under basket shots. The Cubs 1'oct to the MavHowi church aggregation in a fut the final count being 32-13. Shade was high point man for the WINS AT ILLINOIS: FASTERV DISTRICT tlie time ho was left out on parole las- A A DenniVin and then linally discharged. Dover. 21 Wellsville.

17. Zanes- He said that the average age CHAMPAIGN, 111, Mar. 15 i ey Bellinger, versatile Pennsyl Score: Krfurnialory 58 An Iville. Mineo Junction. 1r.

ol tlie inmates is 21 years ana mat iii. in I I he average ttmp actnallv snent in. vania athlete, tonight raptured MP 1 -8ABE .1 I.J.i I i lift lilt, iO. c(Ill-i in the all-aiound col-; mhoetrm ft tlie institution is 18 to 18 months' lege events at the thirteenth tin- mlag I The discipline the parole system, nual Illinois relay carnival, rarrolltop 30" Fraze--sbui-Q- -n Wentifieation system, schools, pun-' ing his performance of last yeir. i ishment, causes of boys' entrance niithfield, 35: New Metnriiora NEARLY 10,000 RUAlS WtRE- PROOOCfcO iH Tne SlS DUPIOG PAST TEJ VE' G.

F. T. 7 0 14 2 0 4 2 0 4 6 0 12 7 0 14 1 0 2 Key. 1 Jacobv. i Fberhardt.

Randall, Garver, reeve om Ats i into the institution were all told by amassing 8.058 1-2 points, elev-. in the most fascinating way. Belle Vallev 20. AoMB RM IM PROFESSiOtAU BASE8AUL- WHILE PtAYiiG WTA PeovioEnjce- Aiixmsr ToWXto aePTfeM6EB. iqiH- i.

Bellaire John's, 29; Midvale, 23:. Adena NORTHEASTERN DISTRICT lass A at Akron Canton McKinelv, 22; Lakewootl Stoysin, fiRecrRies For. Tft' F.uuV 1 2 8 I Newman, 3 Sneeringer was kept at' the Lum-Ibermens dining hall long after he had flnlRhed his speech ans- wering cuiestions of the Gun club en and one-half points below th.ii' record Bet by him in the ncve-i! pvemta ot tVie all-around last year. Everett Utterback, the colored' MB PITCA.EO MlO 3CORCO A 9 TO SAUTOUT Totals 28 2 58 Akron Zarcone Grocers 17 20; Akron East. 10: Lorain, 14.

Akron North, 2fi; Cleveland St. I- iioHiu Id r-lvelmiH rinmlitc 1(1- athlete from the University of Pittsburgh, took second place wi-h members. Prior to Sneeringer's address banquet was served by the wives of the Gun club members and then a business meeting of the organization followed. I I points, more than a thousand y'est 19 points less than the 220 -pound Phil-; at Krll, adclphia lad. Haper of Illinois; MnVm Beach City.

19. placed third and Douglas of Grin-1 Mavfirld- 31. ScienceviUe. 20 80CK Boxer who is sik pee HVlr. AIO one.

HALF TALL, aas seveij BROTHERS ANO TWO Sisters, all Si footers G. F. T. 2 0 4 1 0 2 4 0 8 1 0 2 2 1 5 Davus. 1 Halpler, 1 Shannon, Grant, Cardill.

I Progress was reported on the lieu iourtn. Brookfiekl. 24: RittmRii. Hi. Cleve-i construction of traps and trap OBERLIN COPS IN TRIANGULAR MEET CLEVELAND.

Mar. 15 The trackmen of Oberlm this afternoon topped both Western Reserve and Case in a tritngular meet at the equestnum here. Taking place in tliej 60-yard dash, the 60-yard low hurdles, the shot put and the two mile race as well as the majority of second and third paces in the other events, Oberlin amassed 47 points. Western Reserve was a weak with 16 markers and Case trailed its two opponents with 14. 0 4 0 2 Adams, 2 Banks, 1 in- inn tp.

in- i 'and Brush, 25; Vienna. 13. Younas- houses lor the Lumbennens shoot-1 -town Fitch. 31: Amherst. 28.

The trans will be located at CLEVELAND. Mar. la-Because, 31. Mavfleld 19. Cleveland Lumbennens Heights and will bos wouldn't permit him to' i he erected.

i take the day off to see Jack Demp-! Herman, 0 0 0 (APPLKAUfc!) Totals 13 1 27 NORTH WLSTFRN DISTRICT Official notes of the secretary sev and shake his hand, Fred I a ol taw i liu 1 mom hrr mbers are enrolled (6AtflMty7) and that the fol- Heina DarDer qint Jt. a 22. hi the Chin club j) Keierec irreenavcri. Referee --Amsha ugh. KOC'CO MEETS 1IKISTMK AKRON.

Mar. 15 Enimett' Roc-co, hard hitting heavyweight Ell wood City, will clasti wu'n K. O. Chiistner, pride of Akron, in the main go of a show to ho staged here April 2, it wa announced here today. I'tliDlKS RECORD LAFAYETTE, Mar.

15 Purdue's recently acquired Ten basketball' title is not a novelty school. In the last 10 the F.oilei makers have five timed won or tied for the cage crown. Weill lO see llie loiinei iravj-i 1win nffle.r hw hn ehftson 11 Mk 1 iiii.ii.ui mif.iinii weight champloft. anyway. Itiiyan.

la: aoieno ocou. ii. e- nVe ens ii cot the handshake and'mont, 23: Lima St. Rase. 20.

Bucyrus. J' "1C Denner yap Dalton, president; hie- rlE-nr from Jack. i 43; St. Mary's. 21.

I Conrad. Beimilin, vice president; Robert Walkins. secretary; II. ASHLAND HAS GREAT RECORD I, treasurer. By I1VGO KNITKI.MEIEK The World's Worst Ilandballer MENTOR OFFERED COACHING JOB AT CASE CLEVELAND.

Mar. 15-- Ray A. Ride, varsity football coach at Washington and 'Jefferson college last season, has been officially of Class at I'inillay WALTER A HOME BOV Rawson. 18; Rossford. 11.

NEW ORLEANS. Mar. 15- fjn Jmuol. Home, 15; Fremont AValter Miller, pitcher, is the only 13 Wliitmer. 27; Clevelander now weai -ing hnM Enlore 26: Delphos St tlie parmenls of the Cleveland 23 uian3- SO i'TII A STERN DISTRICT STRT PRACTICE 1 Class A At Athens CLEVELAND.

Mar. 15- King' Greenfield. 31: Washington. C. football will make his first appear- .13.

Athens. 18; Portsmouth. 13. Ii-ance in Cleveland next week when 'rNc Western Reserve and John Carroll '17: HiHsboro. 14.

Chillicothe, 41; to in tMv. m-iiii? urid nrac- LoV'Sii, 1-) Training Camp Briefs Fust, get one kitchen table of hard and smooth surlacc. also Purple College CagerS passive look and a chew of tobacco. A paddle and a peegee ball are Score Point Per Minute Past Three Years also needed. ST.

PETERSBURG. Mar. 15 The object of the game is to hit the ball with the board over a A big fourth inning in which they, hurdle In the middle of the table and then wait until it is returned scored four runs save the Yankees' in the same manner. You aon't have to wait very long. Catjhinc the COP NE TOl K.N EY ORMONi) BEACH, Mar.

15 Continuing to play in hrillian fashion, J. Gilbert Hall, South Orange, N. and his partner, melt Pare, Dayton, Ohio, today the title in the Florida ea'-t coast tennis tournament by -ifeating John Doeg, Santa Monica, and Gus Fruer. Univei of Florida star, in the doubles finals. iThc score was 6-4.

6-1, 3-6, 0-2. ASHLAND. Mar. 15 A.01- Class at Alliens 4.2 victorv over the Boston ball on the first bounce is net out. Enelh nnrl French on thp ball l.nnl eolleee.

which is now on IIIIIH" w.v tice. fered the post of head coach at Case, succeeding Bob Fletcher, resigned, W. E. Wickcnden. president of Case, announced today.

Ride is said to have unofficially accepted the position and he Is expected to sign a contract early next week. Rome Township. 31; West Union. Graves liere this afternoon. 'will cause it to curve and will get you in Dutch unless you have taken bation for admittance to member- Score by innings: elocution or debating in high school and can argue your men out of ship in the Ohio Conference -ml Boston 200 000 000 2 51, a point.

When the game nears the climax and the deciding point, may enter that league as a mem- New York ...000 400 110 4 91 conies up casually arch your eyebrows and spit some of the tobacco ber next fall, boasts of one of The Boston. Brown, in 'om' opponent's eye and he will be blinded while you win-best basketball records in the i-inghain and Collins Spohrer all-exciting game. This method is copyrighted by Art Warner, and state. New York, Andrews 11 Pa.v royalty to Ait the Great. Frank Balbaugh The team plaved 3 hours ind An New Leximton.

21. vSSmtZm sz the International hockey league de- stivers. 25: Cmcinnali fcated the Hamilton Tiger, here to- NonV0()(, 7 Hamilton, 43: Belle-night by a score of 4 to 3. fontaine. 17.

Cincinnati Withrow "eTal-Sowash Bios. and 23: Dayton Chaminade.13 pressed. $.50. U.elud.n, "-t. Purcell.

24; Greenville It and Hargravcs, Dickey. ana r.11 wumore nave oeen woiKing on a new mctnoa ana persons 4 3 minutes of intercol'ciate bas-wkhing the lov.down may go up to the any lime between 12 i 11,0 tumbler service 101 the same WEST PALM BEACH, Mar. mormog. -Playing 2,205 minutes since Fred 15 Crowdcr showed great form in. C.

Schmuck took over the direc- the box for the St. Louis Browns nflV; )h or 'f -v'm out or Lllly-st. tion of Ashland-S here this afternoon, holding lfi WOrW' Heam scored 2,183 points-nearly a and STERI- ieorgeiown, rain. Jelferson. 11: Jackson.

thorough DUSTING l.IZING as before. 1 At American Georgetown. 33: St. Paris. 27.

joi-i Milwaukee team of the Yet, girls, she liasn't got a single boy friend. It doesn't pay to tLT' issociatlon to three hits, while his 11- 8. Eaton. 24: travel so rapidly, inter all. Just listen to and Hugo 15 out of 20 games from some of Davtoii Fail-mount.

19. Mount Heal- teammates ixmnded out a 9-0 vie tory the Newark. Ohio grab and grunt artist I FINAL CLEAN-UP SALE Suits. Overcoats S8.85 Topcoats Sltl.95 21 North Park St. Leslie Fishbaugii.

hoe cobbler. But lie's' 110 heel thy. 24: Olive Branch. 23. Semi-Finals CLASS A Ciiiiiu-othe 2S: 20.

Findlay 19: Rucyrus 16. Dayton Stivers 24; Cincinnati I'oicell 17. Cincinnati H'lthiou Hauiiltoii the toughest opposition which Coach Schmuck could schedule in ihiee stales. It made tlie recoid. 42 victories and 13 de-1 feats, one of best records in Ohio.

I Ashla.n.1 played seven gamos with Ohio conference teams and won five of them. If Ashland ha -I oeen a memJier of the league tho past season, it would have finished in the front rank, just behind 'he Score by iimiir.s: Milwaukee 000 0u0 0000- 30 St. Louis ...030 300 '21x 9 10 Batteries: Stark Young and Shanks. St. Louis, Crow der and Ferrel.

TAMPA. Mar. To Bticky Harris'' Detroit Tigers tmoorkod powerlul attack here this afternoon and be I hind the steady pitching of Herring' and Hogsctt beat the Philadelphia Nationals 91. Better Values RECORD NUMBER OF PIN TEAMS INVADES RECREATION LANES Cut Prices On Athletic Supports lyi championship Wooster quintet. During the three-years Coacn Schmuck has been in charge of Score bv inning Philadelphia 001 t)oo 000 1 52 annual Intercity bowling association tournament which was at luetics on tne 11111-iop.

A.vilaml 13 I.iuvci 2i'i, idge 21. Fiemor.t 17: Bryan 1" I ronton 21; It, ('aiiton McKinley 23; Akrin Nolth 21 loveltimei. CLASS 15 itau- on IS; Ehnoee 15. Eaton Mount Hcahl.y 12. Yiiungitown Filch II: l.odi 13.

T1M111 (ii uci Toledo '11: iie-i 17. Detroit 301 020 30x 9 13 2 started last night at tlie Recreation where Mavor C. S. Moore spoke won 11 out ot games Batteries: Philadelphia. Sweet- a few words to the pin poppers and then rolled the fir ball, is the hio conference foes, hind.

Dailey. Collard and McCur- rpnr--t the Intercity has cxperieneed in its existence in some 20 Robert Riley, forward and center, dy. Detroit. Herring. Hogsett.

Shea. finished second in seining wi'h 122 Tlie ollieial I Urv sheet that 120 teams will have bowled points. lie made 52 field go.iU and Recommended by physick'ii. for sports or vigorous Complete line ol baspeiwiric-All Private Fitting Room Expert in charse. Weinberger's 32 N.

Main SAN ANTONIO. Mar. 13 in the event it April 6. IS free throws. -J: liceci Sioring three runs in the eighth Of 'his number 49 are from M.mslirld.

the citv lacking fust one The 1929-1930 basketball recoi 3i 1-1 aiikfoi 1 1... iniinii ihc New Vm-lr rioiot team to reach the ouota of 50 v.noid ei f.itlnw- St. John 12. tliis afternoon 10 nose the association Siiu'hviile 'Jo; Bcllan Miilland 3 w.5 wi 0VC1. (he Chicago' Tho total number of teams.

120 Ashland, 2S: Muskingum. IS, Ashland, 42: Kenyon, 30. Ashland, Otterbein, 25. 1 White Sox nowever is a new recoid for the Bag 3 Irons and 1 Wood Chromium Plated Heads (Rustproof) $7.95 Use Our Driving Net To Get in Shape association. Thm numlmr nf anu uie nunioer 01 1 earns eaen 21: Belle Vail NOTICE Ashland, 3fi; Wittenberg.

22. 15. Dau- Score by innings: Chicago 012 100 1005 M.n-v's 30 St has never been equaled in anv sending to the Mansfield wood 8 assanltine session: Ashland, 29; Western Reserve, l.ancastei die 17. Is ecu luu mm ui ujx 0-III I 19 30; Ku-hvi 11 1 11-iLi ic.iio.s me j.ioiioiifii Lorain 20, 3 Batteries: Chicago Lyons, 11 and Berg. New York, i.t.v on.

i.i(s- i-vv mm, I ui iei-, week Twelve booster teams hit liucyrus Lucas. Heving and O'Farrell Medina S. Finals CLASS A Akron Nortii the lanes lust night while 20 more Ashland will go to the runawnvs this af- Marion Mack ternonn New- Philadelphia MIAMI, Mar. 15 Connie -I gave his regular stull of luulers The first town invasion Dover I workout here this allcrnoon as the will be made Saiuidav and next Lima Avail Yourselves of CUT PRICES AT LANE'S FIVE STORES Practically every Item in 01 stores sold Cut-Rate. That 1 why we are Man: field's busiest CUT RATE STORES 18 V.

4th Cor. Walnut 20 8. Main SL 188 Gleaner Ave. 4f0 Bowman St. 182 Lf vine ton 1' els Jli C.ncinn.itr Athletics beat the Brooklyn Rob-; Sunday.

Two Ashland quintets Newails ins 8-5. 'start the bull i-oiling Sat urday Pot 1 Clinton Ashland, IS; Canislus, 2fi. Ashland. 42; Niagara. 31.

Ashland, 33; Honavcnture. Ashland. 4U Edinboro, 29. Ashland, 34; Cleeeland Chiro, 21 Ashland. 42; Findlay.

33. Ashland, 28: Ohio State 27. Ashland, 32; Ohio Northern, 31 Ashiand. 3S; Wooster. 53.

Ashland, 29: Kenyon. 39. Ashland, 47; Tllppery Rock, 31 15: Kent State, 36. Ashland. o-S; Findlay, Ashland, 21: Slippery RoeU, 20.

Ashland. 17; Kent State. 3S. Totals, A.diland 729; hi Clulheoilie 22: 20. Akron Clrvclai.d He hts YUNCKER BROS.

108 N. Main St. Adam 1508 18. 1 ss r. St.

Hi; M.i.v ville 12. Score bv linings: 11110 liima. 1 if tin. t-inillay, Brookhn' 004 -5-13-1 lrr' Mt' Fl and I hi- Mt Vernon Philadelphia 0010 230 2.lx8-U2 'J n'' pin l'I'PIS Recreation Su1ul.1v. Iifln Batteries: Brooklyn, (lark.

Mor-, Tlie out-of-town 'IcLSheim nson. Elliott and Uipez. which oiiv is l.i.l.lina Pluladelpliia. Grove. Rommel, for the 1931 intcicitv s.m- and Sliank, Perk, in.

20 in iiic'iu- 'field, event. Following are the ci-'Fiiullay iLUii.i li 1 1- 1 JCllCl'iOll D'i Li. tl'll 15,.

News Journal from Mansfield, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.