NANDAKUMAR S on LinkedIn: Srimad Bhagavad Gita Srimad Bhagavad Gita,, said to be the essence of… (2024)


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Srimad Bhagavad GitaSrimad Bhagavad Gita,, said to be the essence of The Vedas and Upanishads. It is the manifestation of right Dharma and Karma.. The Lord Himself declares that whenever Dharma gets diluted or eliminated and Adharma takes it's place, The Lord Himself reincarnates establish Dharma. Mahabharata yudh or war is between Dharma and Adharma . In fact both Adharma and Dharma are both within us. Often we knowingly or unknowingly have to fall a prey to such acts and deeds which we should not do, and which will bring failure or destruction in the end. Srimad Bagavad Gita teaches what all we, as humans should say. think, and act to live a peaceful. Contended. healthy and fruitful life which is the end destination of living.Now we are in Kaliyuga , and we all know that people are suffering from dissatisfaction. hatred, fear. war, serious health issues, and what not? There is no peace of mind, wheather they are rich or poor. Even the people who are extremely rich also have no peace of mind and contentment . It is in this context the ancient Rishis of our country have foresighted our problems and guided us by way of vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, and many many Sastras, only for our wellbeing. But we had forgotten our routes and hence living a life as told in Kaliyuga However. now there is a notable and welcome change seen. Our Bhagavad Gita and other Holy books are getting more and more attention not only in our country but among people internationally. The youth , especially are interested and involved in learning these Sasthras. My humble attempt is to express in simple words the principles and messages being conveyed to us by Srimad Bhagavad Gita as taught by various Acharyas or teachers and shows the way we have to live to get the real satisfaction and contentment in life.. I shall give a gist of the 1st Chapter in substance and abridged format in my next text, and in detail from the 2nd Chapter.Thank you and pranamsHare Krishna It is the response from my readers that will encourage my efforts.

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  • Yogesh Dhami योगेश धामी 🕉🇮🇳

    एको अहं, द्वितीयो नास्ति, न भूतो न भविष्यति, Constitution Abiding Citizen,15+ Years of Exp in Training & Dev, हिन्दी वक्ता व लेखक, प्रेरणा-दिनकर जी,Foreign policies,External Affairs,Inspiration-S. Jaishankar Sir🇮🇳

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    Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9, Verse 28शुभाशुभफलैरेवं मोक्ष्यसे कर्मबन्धनै: |संन्यासयोगयुक्तात्मा विमुक्तो मामुपैष्यसि || 28||śhubhāśhubha-phalair evaṁ mokṣhyase karma-bandhanaiḥsannyāsa-yoga-yuktātmā vimukto mām upaiṣhyasiTranslationBG 9.28: By dedicating all your works to Me, you will be freed from the bondage of good and bad results. With your mind attached to Me through renunciation, you will be liberated and will reach Me.CommentaryEvery action has defects, just as fire is covered by smoke. When we walk on the earth, we unknowingly kill millions of tiny living entities. In our occupational duties, no matter how careful we are in the fulfillment of our duties, we still end up harming the environment and hurting others. Even if we eat a cup of yogurt, we still incur the sin of destroying the living entities that reside in it. Some religious sects try to reduce this involuntary killing by tying a cloth over their mouth. Even this does not fully eliminate the destruction of living entities in our breath. When we perform our actions with the intention of fulfilling our self-interest, we are culpable for the sins we commit, knowingly or unknowingly. In accordance with the law of karma, we have to reap their karmic reactions. Good works can also be binding because they oblige the soul to go to the celestial abodes to enjoy their results. Thus, both bad and good karmas result in the continuity of the cycle of birth and death. However, in this verse, Shree Krishna gives a simple solution for destroying all karmic reactions of work. He uses the word sanyās yog, meaning renunciation of selfishness. He says that when we dedicate our actions for the pleasure of the Lord, we are freed from the fetters of both good and bad results. Those who establish themselves in such consciousness are called yog yuktātmā (united in consciousness with God). Such yogis become jīvan mukt (liberated in consciousness) even in this body. And, upon leaving their mortal frame, they receive a divine body and eternal service in the divine Abode of God. Thanks you Swami Mukundananda Ji 🕉🙏 for the excellent & simple commentary 👏. #Harekrishna #Sanatandharma #Hinduism #bhagwatgeeta #bhagwatgita

    • NANDAKUMAR S on LinkedIn: Srimad Bhagavad GitaSrimad Bhagavad Gita,, said to be the essence of… (3)



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  • Ashwin Singh ( आShu सिंह )

    "धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः 🚩| Founder - ( 3 Start Ups)|| An Entrepreneur| | An Investor || Start Up Advisor/ Mentor|| A Proud Sanatani 🚩|| शिवभक्त 🔱|| Unveiling the Secrets of SANATAN Dharma || StoryTeller |

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    Remember, Bhagwan Shiv without Trishul is incomplete. Bhagwan Krishna without Sudarshan Chakra is incomplete. Bhagwan Ram without Bow and Arrow is incomplete. Devi Durga without Trishul is incomplete. Our History tells us - Keep both Shaastra and Shastra...🚩🔱 Half knowledge is always dangerous. This one is just like that. People have always marveled the Sanatana Dharma for its great philosophies and ideologies.. #SanatanDharma is constructed around a few core principles like Satya (Truth), Dharma (Righteous duty), Ahimsa (Non-violence) etc. People who hear the phrase " अहिंसा परमो धर्मः " have half knowledge. They use this particular phrase to avoid conflicts and to hide from problems... Since people misunderstood this and didn't think practically, a lot of our ancestors were killed by invaders and looters of the foreign lands during the past centuries.. Now why does Mahabharatam and Ramayanam have so much violence? Both the wars were fought for upholding righteousness and saving Dharma. A warrior is supposed to fight for these reasons.BHAGWAN Krishna talks about this very clearly:- स्वधर्ममपि चावेक्ष्य न विकम्पितुमर्हसि |धर्म्याद्धि युद्धाच्छ्रेयोऽन्यत्क्षत्रियस्य न विद्यते ||-श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता, अध्यायं 2, श्लोकं 31 Besides, considering your duty as a warrior, you should not waver. Indeed, for a warrior, there is no better engagement than fighting for upholding of righteousness...-Sreemad Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 31 "If our Dharma is in danger, if it is at stake, we should fight back tooth and nail to ensure that the right thing is done in the world" Finally, I would like to quote Bhagwan Krishna once again and show what He says about not fighting for Dharma. अथ चेतत्वमिमं धर्म्यं संग्रामं न करिष्यसि | तत: स्वधर्मं कीर्तिं च हित्वा पापमवाप्स्यसि || अकीर्तिं चापि भूतानि कथयिष्यन्ति तेऽव्ययाम् | सम्भावितस्य चाकीर्ति र्मरणादतिरिच्यते ||भयाद्रणादुपरतं मंस्यन्ते त्वां महारथा: |येषां च त्वं बहुमतो भूत्वा यास्यसि लाघवम् ||-श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता, अध्यायं 2, श्लोकं 33–36If, however, you refuse to fight this righteous war, abandoning your social duty and reputation, you will certainly incur sin..People will speak of you as a coward and a deserter. For a respectable person, infamy is worse than death..The great generals who hold you in high esteem will think that you fled from the battlefield out of fear, and thus will lose their respect for you..-Sreemad Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 33–36 So non-violence is to be followed by us but we should fight valiantly if it goes against the Dharma. Sanatan Dharma 🚩🔱#sanatandharma #Hinduism #Dharma #India #bhagwadgita

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  • Ashwin Singh ( आShu सिंह )

    "धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः 🚩| Founder - ( 3 Start Ups)|| An Entrepreneur| | An Investor || Start Up Advisor/ Mentor|| A Proud Sanatani 🚩|| शिवभक्त 🔱|| Unveiling the Secrets of SANATAN Dharma || StoryTeller |

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    Remember, Bhagwan Shiv without Trishul is incomplete. Bhagwan Krishna without Sudarshan Chakra is incomplete. Bhagwan Ram without Bow and Arrow is incomplete. Devi Durga without Trishul is incomplete. Our History tells us - Keep both Shaastra and Shastra...🚩🔱 Half knowledge is always dangerous. This one is just like that. People have always marveled the Sanatana Dharma for its great philosophies and ideologies.. #SanatanDharma is constructed around a few core principles like Satya (Truth), Dharma (Righteous duty), Ahimsa (Non-violence) etc. People who hear the phrase " अहिंसा परमो धर्मः " have half knowledge. They use this particular phrase to avoid conflicts and to hide from problems... Since people misunderstood this and didn't think practically, a lot of our ancestors were killed by invaders and looters of the foreign lands during the past centuries.. Now why does Mahabharatam and Ramayanam have so much violence? Both the wars were fought for upholding righteousness and saving Dharma. A warrior is supposed to fight for these reasons.BHAGWAN Krishna talks about this very clearly:- स्वधर्ममपि चावेक्ष्य न विकम्पितुमर्हसि |धर्म्याद्धि युद्धाच्छ्रेयोऽन्यत्क्षत्रियस्य न विद्यते ||-श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता, अध्यायं 2, श्लोकं 31 Besides, considering your duty as a warrior, you should not waver. Indeed, for a warrior, there is no better engagement than fighting for upholding of righteousness...-Sreemad Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 31 "If our Dharma is in danger, if it is at stake, we should fight back tooth and nail to ensure that the right thing is done in the world" Finally, I would like to quote Bhagwan Krishna once again and show what He says about not fighting for Dharma. अथ चेतत्वमिमं धर्म्यं संग्रामं न करिष्यसि | तत: स्वधर्मं कीर्तिं च हित्वा पापमवाप्स्यसि || अकीर्तिं चापि भूतानि कथयिष्यन्ति तेऽव्ययाम् | सम्भावितस्य चाकीर्ति र्मरणादतिरिच्यते ||भयाद्रणादुपरतं मंस्यन्ते त्वां महारथा: |येषां च त्वं बहुमतो भूत्वा यास्यसि लाघवम् ||-श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता, अध्यायं 2, श्लोकं 33–36If, however, you refuse to fight this righteous war, abandoning your social duty and reputation, you will certainly incur sin..People will speak of you as a coward and a deserter. For a respectable person, infamy is worse than death..The great generals who hold you in high esteem will think that you fled from the battlefield out of fear, and thus will lose their respect for you..-Sreemad Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 33–36 So non-violence is to be followed by us but we should fight valiantly if it goes against the Dharma. Sanatan Dharma 🚩🔱#sanatandharma #Hinduism #Dharma #India #bhagwadgita

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  • Kishore Shintre

    #newdaynewchapter is a Blog Narrative co-founded by Kishore Shintre to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"

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    #newdaynewchapterChapter 887: August 4,2023Chanakya Niti 547:"The one who has acquired neither virtue, nor wealth, satisfaction of material desires or salvation (Dharma, artha, kaam, moksha) has not lived fully.One should know what all these four aspects mean in life. Not only Hinduism, this goals are important to all the human beings to attain Moksha or liberation.The ancient seers clearly articulated the subjective goals of humanlife as cherishing "Chaturvida-Phala-Purusharthas" -- including ‘Dharma', ‘Artha', ‘Kama', ‘Moksha' as Four 'Purushaarathas'.Meaning an individual or person shall have meaningful sustained life by earning livelihood (Artha) through lawful means (Dharma), and carry out his activities and fulfil desires (Kama). 'Artha' in purushaartha means meaningful in pursuit of carrying out towards achieving objectives.They articulated four Purusharthas as:Dharma : Righteousness, DutyArtha : WealthKama : DesireMoksha : LiberationThe four Purusharthas are really the objectives of God, of the Supreme Self, the qualities of God. And since an individual person is a reflection of God, is a part of God, it is the rightful pursuit of a person to fulfill these four Purusharthas. In fact, it is both your individual and soul purpose.Among four of them Dharma is the basis of all i.e without Dharma we cannot achieve others. Dharma, Artha, Kama were the initial stages introduced in the Vedas. Then Moksha was added afterwards in the Upanishads of the Vedas. And Moksha is the superior stage among all and if you want Moksha then you must follow Dharma not necessary Artha or Kama but Dharma is important for attaining Moksha. Moksha means freedom from everything including the repetitive cycle of birth and death and if one achieves it then he will have permanent bliss or happiness. If anyone wants to achieve Moksha then one must follow the four paths mentioned in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita by Shri Krishna.Take Care and God Bless 🙏



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  • Priya Visweswaran

    Learn how to use AI to enhance your life and business; reverse kidney failure, chronic disease to have a healthy life

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    .From ~ In the eternal dharma (Sanatana Dharma), the nature of God is variously described in the Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, and other scriptures. God does not exhibit anger; He (God) is always equanimous. The fruit of actions by the living soul is indeed self-created. In the Bhagavad Gita (18.61), Lord Krishna says, 'God resides in the hearts of all beings, Arjuna.' Here, all beings experience the results of their actions, not according to the will of God. The doctrine of karma is principally accepted in Indian philosophy. The Brahma Sutras also declare that it is karma alone that is responsible for the enjoyment or suffering of pleasures and pains by living beings, not divine wrath. 'When beings perform good deeds, they experience happiness; when they perform evil deeds, they suffer pain' - this principle reveals the significance of the doctrine of karma. The purification of intent is a central message of all dharma scriptures. Upon proper reflection, we understand that in the matter of karmic fruits, God is merely an administrator and does not wish to chastise through the fire of anger. This is also manifested in the prayer of Kunti in the Bhagavata Purana (1.8.32) - 'I bow to the primordial being, the supreme lord transcendent to nature.' As God is beyond nature, He does not engage in angry actions. The experience of karmic results guides beings through cleanliness, austerity, self-study, and other righteous actions towards the right path. The Isha Upanishad (verse 11) states, 'He who understands both knowledge and ignorance together can attain immortality beyond, and extending above escaping mortality (more on this next weekend).' Therefore, the careful application of actions paves the way for liberation from worldly bonds. In summary, God does not show anger, but rather, the living soul is merely the experiencer of its own karmic results. An effort to purify actions is essential. As living beings follow the path prescribed by scriptures towards a noble life, they become recipients of divine grace.


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  • Neil Krshna

    Sales Director at Wordplay Content

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    How could the Pandavas turn against their gurus (Dronacharya) and family elders(Bhishma)?Our gurus and our elders are the ones who shape us, teach us Dharma and connect us to God and higher powers. Indeed, where can we be without the great wisdom imparted to us by our teachers, our bosses, our mentors, our gurus and our elders?That being said, how is it possible that when we become older, we end up out-growing these towering figures in our early life? How is it that later on in life we have contrarian views to our parents, our bosses, our mentors, our teachers, our gurus? If we disagree with the words or the actions of our gurus teachers and parents once we mature, what should be done?Well, it seems like a conundrum where the gut is placed against the heart. But the Dharma is clear, and the Mahabharata shows us the way. As we grow old, we evolve. Our understanding of Dharma is put through the fire and we end up coming out purer, stronger, more resilient and more dharmic. In many a case, we end up out-evolving the aforementioned people. We end up seeing their faults, their mistakes and their issues. We are in conflict with how they do things and we can clearly see that we have evolved beyond them. So what to do?Well at this point the aforementioned categories will bring up “rules”, you are my son/daughter, you have to be grateful, you cannot go against me, you must be loyal to me, it is a sin to go against me etc. These are all to be ignored. The truth is one has to continue following their swa-dharma at all costs. Swa-dharma is the intuitive sense of righteousness that one can hear from their inner voice. The inner voice that says “this is the right way to go” that comes from deep within has to be followed, even if it is in conflict with the people we have grown to respect so much. There is no other way. Eventually the higher truth will triumph. Those that need to learn will be taught by l the hard knocks of life. Sad for the heart, true for the gut.And so, Arjuna, after being thus enlightened by Sri Krishna, could take his divine bow, the Gandiva, and shoot 1000s of arrows towards the patriarch of his own family lineage, the Great Bhishma Pitamaha, and fell him to the ground.Hari Om.



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  • Kishore Shintre

    #newdaynewchapter is a Blog Narrative co-founded by Kishore Shintre to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"

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    #newdaynewchapterIt can be chanted anytime in the morning or evening according to your convenience. Reciting Sundarkanda can help ward off evils. It removes all the negativity and obstacles from one's life and bestows the person with happiness and prosperity. Sundarkanda teaches you how one can win over every difficulty and unfortunate situation in life if he decides to do so.Reciting Sundarkand also plays a vital role in improving the financial condition of a person.It protects oneself against diseases and ensures good health. The events in this chapter bring confidence and hope from all corners. Hanuman's indulgence in the destruction of evils has proved that Dharma alone will triumph. People started believing in Dharma (good virtues). Only Lord Rama could destroy Adharma (all evil virtues). The Kandam teaches us that, if we want to be successful in life we have to practice Dharma. The significance of performing Sundara Kandam Parayanam will definitely result in prosperity and it will mitigate all problems you face in your daily life. Reading one chapter or sargam of Sundara Kandam is equal to chanting 1000 times Gayathri Japam.Where to Recite? When to Recite? : Recitation of Sundara Kandam of Srimad Valmiki Ramayana is called 'Parayanam.' It can be read for any occasion like Rama Navami (Rama's birthday), Navaratri, Anniversary, Birthday, etc.There are conventional methods for Sundara Kanda Parayanam. The Parayanam can be made either on a communal basis in temples, public mandapams (halls) or in your home. Parayana can either be made by a guru for the benefit of every listener to hear, or you yourself can recite the slokas in Sanskrit. To help people who don't know Sanskrit script, there are books comprising Sanskrit slokas along with English (or other Indian vernacular languages) transliteration. Shri Hanuman Maharaj ki Jay.

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  • Mihirsinh Vaghela

    Goodfellows Intern | Ex President of Entrepreneurship Cell

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    The Sant (सऺत) , Shastra and Mandir are the three pillars of our Sanatana Dharma. Now one may ask, What is Dharma?Virtuous living according to shrutis and Smruti is called Dharma - Sikhshapatri.Coming back to our three pillars among the three pillars mentioned above, Which one is Jeopardized will lead to destruction of two others? and which one if sustained will sustain other two?.Confused? Let's first see how Sant, Shastra and Mandir are the basis of our Culture.1) Sant- He is the one who is enlightened, and only from him the intricacies of shastras can be known and the synopsis of spirituality can be known. It is mentioned in Bhagvadgita 4.34 i.e. "Learn the Truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him with reverence and render service unto him. Such an enlightened Saint can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the Truth."But it is very rare to find such a person in the Times of now. Although I can only mention one such name at present that is his Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj, The Guru of BAPS Swaminarayan Sampraday which find its origin as Uddhav Sampraday.2) Shastras- Our Shastras are the culmination of all the science and arts of all the scholars Rishis, but our Scriptures Teacher us to take the "Conclusion of the conclusions" and one such is the art of spiritual science which has been present in our Culture from time Immemorial.These Scriptures have been Written by Bonafide Gurus and even by God himself in the form of Ved Vyasji on whom we celebrate Guru purnima. As the time changes God has given the boon that he will be present as the destroyer of Adharma and upholder of Dharma and The same is mentioned in Bhagvad Gita.Further the same is fulfilled by Bhagwan Swaminarayan who were born in Chhapaiya UttarPradesh (1701), His name was Ghanshyam in childhood and at the age of 11 he left home as Nilkant Varni, visited all the Dhams of India with a Journey of more than 7 years and finally reached Loj(लोज) Village of Gujarat, where his question of what is the nature of Jiva(soul), Ishvar (God), Maya (Illusion), Bhram(Bhram tatva)and Parabhram ( Supreme God) was answered by Muktanand Swami who was a Disciple of Ramanand swami in Gujrat.Later when Ramanand Swami met Neelkanth Varni he initiated him as his disciple and gave him name Sahajanand Swami also famously known as Swaminarayan. The fact to note here irrespective of the name Ghanshyam, Neelkanth Swaminarayan he was the Avatar of Purnpurshottam Narayan (Ultimate God).The Same Swaminarayan bhagvan promised I will always be present in the form of Sant and we have it today as 6th Successor today as Mahant Swami Maharaj.3) Mandir-We all are aware of our culture and its heritage which is in the form of temple personified. A temple is a place where Bhakti is practiced, Religion is strengthned and Dharma is protected. As God is the Supporter of Dharma, Whenever we enter a temple it inspires us to connect with God and our Rich Heritage live.

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  • Sourabh Kumar

    Social Media Marketer🚀 | Change Agent 🌟 | Elevating Brands to New Heights 🚀 | Content Creator 📑 | Graphics Designer 🖼️ | YouTube Vlogger 🤳 | Bihari🙋

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    The Bhagavad Gita, a sacred Hindu scripture, contains numerous verses (slokas) that inspire and motivate. Here are some famous slokas from the Bhagavad Gita:1. "Karmanye Vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana" (Chapter 2, Verse 47)Translation: "You have the right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions."Meaning: Focus on your actions and responsibilities without being attached to the outcome. Do your best, but don't be overly concerned with the results.2. "Yogastha Kuru Karmani" (Chapter 2, Verse 48)Translation: "Established in Yoga, perform actions."Meaning: Engage in your duties while maintaining a state of balance and detachment. Perform your actions with a focused mind and self-discipline.3. "Na hi kashchit kshanamapi jatu tishthatyakarmakrit" (Chapter 3, Verse 5)Translation: "Certainly, no one can ever remain without performing actions even for a moment."Meaning: It is inherent in our nature to be engaged in action. Avoiding action is not a practical solution. Therefore, perform your duties diligently and responsibly.4. "Manmana bhava madbhakto, madhyaji maam namaskuru" (Chapter 9, Verse 22)Translation: "Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, become My devotee, offer obeisances to Me."Meaning: Cultivate devotion and surrender to the divine. Keep your mind focused on higher ideals and dedicate your actions to a higher purpose.5. "Sarvadharman parityajya, maam ekam sharanam vraja" (Chapter 18, Verse 66)Translation: "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me alone. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear."Meaning: Let go of all attachments, surrender to the divine, and have faith. Trust that by seeking the path of righteousness and surrendering to a higher power, you will be freed from all obstacles.These verses from the Bhagavad Gita encourage selfless action, self-discipline, devotion, and surrender, serving as a source of inspiration and motivation for individuals seeking guidance and spiritual growth. #growth #motivation #power #inspiration

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    Your Morning Dose of Buddhist Wisdom.Daily Dharma delivered right to your inbox, 365 days a year.- Daily Dharma -Appreciating HardshipsIt is precisely our recognition of life’s inevitable hardships, along with our uprooting of the attachments that exacerbate them, that allows us to appreciate the mere fact of being.- Rev. Patti Nakai, “Someone Is Jealous of You”Don’t Add Difficulty to DifficultyDo not become annoyed when faced with difficulties. To do so merely adds difficulty to difficulty and further disturbs your mind.- Master Sheng Yen, “Nonopposition”Don’t Relive the PastThe past has already been lived. It doesn’t have to be relived. To sacrifice the present and the future by reliving past injuries is not the way of the sages.- Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, “Opening the Injured Heart”Start your morning off on a positive note with a quick hit of Buddhist wisdom - Subscribe to our free newsletter "Daily Dharma."Link is in our profile.#BuddhistWisdom #DailyDharma #AwakeningEnlightenment


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