The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

F1 SEi to OVER 75,000 1 THE WEATHER CIRCULATION Fair, Rain, Cold Mild Today; Tomorrow THE SPRINGFIELD UNION A- VOL. 88, NO. 69 Entered Springfield, a.g second -class under the matter act at of- Post March Office 8, 1879 at SPRINGFIELD, SATURDAY, MORNING, S. KOREA OF REDS, READY Indians to Open Hockey Playoffs With Hornets Tonight in Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, March .23 The Springfeld Indians will play the P'ittsburgh Hornets at Duquesne Gardens here tomorrow night' at. 8.30 in the first game of the Class series' of the Hockey League Calder Cup playoffs.

They will meet the lornets here again an Monday night. Then the two teams switch to Springfield where they. will clash in Coliscum on Wednesday night. IE fourth and fifth games are needed to determine a winner, they will' be played in Springfield, Saturday and Sunday nights. This was the main.

item of interest so far: as Springfeld was concerned, following a stormy nine. and a half Continued On Pare 20 American Hockey League Governors Reverse Ruling of President Podoloff in Granting Protest of St. Louis Flyers; Springfield at Home Wednesday By DUTCH ROBBINS (the third game at the Eastern States Flares and Wreckage Spied in Area Where 53 Fliers Vanished Two Weather Ships Nearing Scene far Off Ireland, Two Skymasters Await Call; High Seas Running and Strong Reported London, Saturday; March 24 (AP) U. Airport S. Air said Force today officer flares at and Shannon wreck- on age were sighted along the route 'over the Atlantic followed the longoverdue: U.

S. Force C-124, missing' with 53 persons aboard. A pilot of one of the armada of searching planes made: the sighting. High Seas, Strong Winds A Royal Air Force control officer Uxbridge, said search pilot, in a B-29 Superfort, reported 'by radio seeing what he believed was a life raft. The officer said seas were running high and there were strong winds in the area.

Two weather ships -the closing in "Jig" on and the the spot miles southwest of Ireland in the Atlantic Ocean, The huge transport plane bound from the United States to Britain with 48 passengers and a crew of five disappeared early yesterday in a fog Continued On Page 10 Easter Forecast Boston, March 23. (A) Fair and colder than normal. That's the weatherman's forecast for Easter in New England. The Special forecast reads: "Following snow in northern sections and rain changing snow in southern New England, Saturday, Haster is expected to' be generally fair throughout New England, but colder than normal for late 24 RAILS TO SEEK 15 P. C.

HIKE IN FREIGHT RATES Raise Request From 6 P. C. Citing Higher Labor, Materials Costs MARCH 24, 1951 26 PAGES ALMOST M'ARTHUR TO MAKE noon chubby, curly-haired 5-year-old Franklin Ave. Little Charley scampCharles F. Corcoran, 3d, is driven to Training 'School kindergarten by his Continued On Page 10 7 JUST LIKE DADDY- -Charles F.

Corcoran, 3d, five years old, of Westfield, makes like his daddy in the library of Westfield Stater Teachers College building, where his father, Charles F. Corcoran, is a senior and he is a kindergarten youngster. It's the WSTC's only father-son combination. Westfield, March 23-Every after- father, Charles- F. Corcoran, Jr.

of Western Mass. Has 49 Slot Machines 3: Operating In Clubs and Fraternal Organizations; Federal Taxes Paid Through June, Record Says Boston, March 23-Bureau of Internal Revenue figures Record 10, which is open to public inspection, today revealed here that 49 of the estimated 725 slot machines, in the state are in operation in Western Massachusetta, The figure of 49. machines on which has been paid the federal tax through next June does not include the 43 machines recently removed from the ARMY HALVES ITS APRIL DRAFT TO Getting Twice as Many Volunteers as Expected, Losing Fewer Troops Washington, March: 23 (AP) In -a surprise move, the Army today its April draft call from 80,000 men to 40,000, Getting More Volunteers The Army explained that it was twice the numer of volunteers and losing far fewer men in Korea was expected when the April call for 80,000 draftees was issued Feb. 1. Defense officials said another factor in the draft reduction' was the need for a greater proportion of junior officers towhelp the Army train and absorb! recruits.

This need will be taken care of, in part, by a decision to order into active service 10,000 reserve officer training corps. students who will graduate from college this summer. All "of Lieutenants. men will enter the Army as. 2d Despite: the change draft plans, the Army expects to meet its 000-man goal by June 30.

It now has about: 1,400,000 It hopes that volunteering will continue at the monthly rate of 23.000 established during January and February, It the May and June drafts are held to the, April figure of 40,000 and the volunteers keep coming in at the current rate, the Army will bei only, 11,000 short of its mark at the end of June. The announced draft call for 'May is 60,000. No figure has been given for June. (Gulp!) a Face! It Might Be Yours! Union May Be Lucky One Western Mass. Maple Sugar Producers Invite Visitors Sap Is Flowing and Business Will Be Brisk This Week End, They Say in Western will be Sugar campsione busy.

this week end. Sugar maples have been frozen during the cold weather, but sap began to flow this afternoon, and will run through the "Buckets will be full and: Saturday's heavy collection will keep most memhers of the Berkshire: Pioneer Maple Producers' Association: busy through the week end. The sap will be, of a fine quality, classified as fancy, and this may belat 1 tinuing to Errorsmith, a plastic surgeon" like to fix up his own face, give her the "sweetest face" in the world. So Between now: and April. 21 send Roto Shows Easter Painting by Pfeifer Another striking full-page paint.

ing, "Christ the King," artist Felix Picifer of Chicopee is tured in the rotogravure section of tomorrow's Sunday' Republican. There also Is a picture of Rabbit' that Will delight the children. Other, features are the activities of the Springfield USO and the Springfield Merchants Bureau Breakfast Club. A THREE CENTS a $3.00 year FREE NOW PEACE Westover Air Force Base in Chicopee. An evident drop from the number of machines listed last spring was shown by the new Internal revenue men stated that the tax, was increased on the A machines to $150 last fall, doubling the former levy.

"Slot' machines are definitely against Continued On Page 7. THREE RIVERS AUTO IS HIT BY FREIGHT TRAIN One. Person Injured, Three Others Are Badly Shaken Palmer, March 23-One. person was injured and three others severely shaken, up tonight when a doubleheader freight train struck a car at the: Three Rivers railroad crossing. las.

Cut Over Eye Paul Bouchard, 55, of 115 Springfield Three Rivers, operator of the auto, was taken to. Wing Memorial Hospital suffering from a severe cut over the left eve and shock. The attending physician was Dr. Harry Anton. Shaken up but otherwise uninjured.

were his wife, Dolores, Mrs. Elizabeth, Picotte, 61, of Front Three Rivers, and her daughter, Gloria, 18. The accident, occurred about 7 at Continued On Page 10 General Offers To Meet Chinese Chiefs in Field Commander Seeks Way to Stop Further Bloodshed Tokyo, Saturday, March 24 (AP) -Gen. MacArthur said today the Allies "have now substantially cleared South Korea of organized Communist forces." Would Meet Rode He said he was ready to meet Red China's high command in. the field atany time and seek a military means of realizing the United Nations' objective in Korea "without further bloodshed." (In Washington, State Department press officers said there would be no comment on Gen, MacArthur's state-.

ments.) The United Nations commander's new appraisal of the Korean war came shortly before he took off from Tokyo on another visit to the battlefront where American' paratroopers jumped behind Red lines Friday. Says Reds Crippled Mac.Arthur said the Communists had been crippled by the heavy destruetion to their supply lines caused by Continued On Page 10. With Red Armies Defeated in Area They Invaded, UN SNUBBED BY A MULE? -Looks like this thorough- bred Sicilian mule realizes he's dealing with a Republican. judging from the attitude of disdain shown to ward Assessor Vernon Bradley of Springfield. BradC ley shelled out $201 for the mule during the auction in Ludlow last night to benefit the family of Beverly Green, first, grader, who's suffering cancer of the legs.

The youngster astride the animal is Walter Eben Moore, the auctioneer's son, while. Auctioneer Raymond Reed is at right. Nearly $1000 Raised At Ludlow Auction For Girl With Cancer Silver Dollar Yields $70 in 12 Sales; Sicilian Donkey Bought by Bradley for $201; Give Articles for F. Beverly Green By a Staff Reporter Ludlow, March 23--You've got to hand it to a town like For tonight while Beverly. Green.

six-year-old cancer victim slept in her Vienna St. home, perhaps dreamingot the gay little birthday party that's planned for her some 500 not a few out of towners- thronged Jack. Randall's WORLD -WIDE NEWS. NOTES. Noted Flier Killed.

Luke -Air Force Base, March 23. (A)-Two F-48 Thunderjet fight- planes in the European theater during World War ers smashed together in the air neari Litchfield Park today, sending one the most decorated flyers in the Nation's Air Guard plunging to. his death. He is Maj. Robert F.

Welch, 27, of Detroit. Mich. The other pilot, Capt. Earl Hoag of Ann Arbor, escaped injury by crash-landing his damaged plane on the runway at Luke Air Force Base. Welch came to Luke Air Force al Guard was called into active Base when the Michigan Air ice early this year.

He shot down 19 'Big 4' Deadlock Paris, March 23 (P)-The Big Four deputy foreign ministers met in seWAS cret for called four an hours informal today exchange for views. An official Western source said "very little, if anything, was accomContinued On Page 11 I garage and let Auctioneer Walter Moore coax nearly $1000 from them. Dollar Sold 12. Times Auctioneer Moore didn't have to do' much coaxioz for this was the sale benefitting Mr. and Mrs.

Merton Green, the parents of little Beverly, whom doctors have given two more: years of life, Things happened that were hard to believe. 1. A. 1922 silver dollar, imported from a Las Vegas (Nev.) gambling house had, up 10.30, been sold 12 times To net $70, ant was still hack on "the block. About that time another silver dollar of.

similar vintage, the offering of Dr, Reuben Katz, who happened to have it along, with, him, had been sold? twice was back with Auctioneer Ray Reed, second in The Donkey Sale The donkey? Oh, there was a gale to behold! It went to Assessor Vernon Bradley oflof Springfield, who found sharp.competition in Frank Gerace 'of Ludlow, A farmer. Bidding started' at $5. for the Sicilian thoroughbred, given a man who had promised Beverly a ride when she shared a hospital bed with his daughter. Quickly. the figure reached $100, sped to $150 and then slowed but retained its steadiness.

Gerace and Ladley upped the figure by. sums of $2.50 after awhile, but Gerace. wouldn't go above $200. Brad6- Continued On Page 10 Male 'Little Bo Peep' Melbourne, March 23 (INS)Australian newspapers told today about a Victoria rancher who lost two of his sheep five years ago in the desert and found them again for profit of $280. Unshorn for half a decade, they carried 95 pounds of purest.

merino wool on their backs, Aircraft Gas Turbine Shop 3: Is Given Atomic Project G. E. Division to Develop Nuclear Reactor for Aircraft; Production May Be Years Away Washington, March 23 (P) The Atomic Energy Commission an nounced a new step tonight looking toward the development: of atompowered, airplanes. It said- it has authorized the negotiation of. a contract with the air.

craft Electric gas: turbine division of General Cincinnati, "for the fur-; THAT'LL BE THE TELEPHONE BEAVEN US.N.R. hope she hasn't a' girl friend -I was planning on doing the museum's alone." NEW-CAR TIRES, TUBES ORDERED TO BE REDUCED 1 Deliveries to Passenger Auto Makes Lowered 25 P. Inventories Cut Washington, March 23 (P) The National Production Authority tonight announced a "25 per cent cut in deliveries of tires and tubes for new passenger cars, effective April 1. 30-Day Supply Limit The control agency also. disclosed inventories of distributors, including wholesalers and retailers, will be limlited after that date to 30-day supply.

The NPA said -manufacturers will be allowed to deliver only 15 per cent many tires. and tubes. to. passenger car makers during the second quarter of this year, for use. as original equipment on new ears, as they "did during the first quarter.

Officials indicated the cut wast ordered because of mounting defense use of rubber and a loss of about 4000 Continued Page Ski Areas Hit By Hard Rains North Adams, March 23-Ski areas covered with new snow yesterday slumped tonight as spring rains swept northern Berkshire and southern Vermont. 3 Reports went out earlyatoday of excellent skiing conditions from Pittsfield to the Green Mountains. However, the season's heaviest storm was in progress at 10 p. m. and winter; sports operators said rain had been falling 'since 9.30.

Parks' Future Up to Public, Producer Says Hollywood, March 23 (AP) -Larry Parks' movie future, a studio executire said today, is "more up to the public than it is to us." The Columbia spokesman, who would hot be quoted by name, was commenting on the star's withdrawal from a film role because of his appearance at a hearing of the House Un-American Activities Committee. He said the switch had nothing to do with Parks' testimony that he formerly was a Communist, and his naming of some others in the indusIt was made weeks ago, when the actor was first notified he must appear at the hearing this week; Nobody could tell us when parks would be available after he was sub(poenaed, so he 'lost the role," spokesman said. Parks has a contract at $75,000 per picture. Nancy O. Some Fair Reader of The Do you have (smack! drool!) the sweetest face in the world? Or do you (sigh!) know, someone who does? The Springfield Union and Al Capp, the guy who draws Li'l Abner, are interested in that face! Naturally, you follow the doings of Li'l Abner and' all the Dogpatch characters in The Union daily, probably become a awfully curious about.

"Nancy, Since October, 1948, Al has been teasing his Lil Abner fans by lettering "Nancy in his 'comic, strip. Now that he's drawn: her figure (Wow!) and her face (Ugh!) she objects to a physiognomy that should happen only to Mammy Yokum. Our hero, Li'l Abner has, of course, fallen hook, line and sinker for Nancy because she's got Mammy's: face. But I Nancy unwittingly plans to have Dr. WILL NOT ASK 0'DWYER QUIT AS EMMISSARY tor ther for development.

aircraft." of a nuclear reacParallels Other Systems and A reactor produces atomic the aim is to devise ways of energy making the heat from -it propel an airplane. A turbine is a rotary motor. The AEC statement said: will nuclear reactor development parallel the development of as: Continued On Page 11 The Atomic Story: Beginning Monday, readers of The Union will be. brought the atomic story up-to-date, as authoritatively and completely as national security will allow. Atomic Story--Up to Date" is a series of Ave articles by one of: Washington's best newsmen, Darrell Garwood of International News Service.

It brings, up to the minute, the story. of: atomic' development for peacetime: power uses and also the latest information on 4-powered -planes and submarines. It reports. on the possibilities for devastating atomic artillery heing brought to bear against the enemy in Korea. Start.

this authentic, interesting series Monday in The Union. Chicago, March 23 (P) -The nation's railroads. said today they need 15 per cent higher freight rates instead of the 6 per cent higher tariffs they asked for two months ago. They. will ask the' Interstate Commerce Commission for a 15 percent hike, the roads said, because of "advancing wage rates" and increased cost of materials and supplies.

The announcement said increases: in costs and wages would increuse the roads' expenses by more $950,000,000 over previous estimates. On March. 14. the ICC approved an interim freight rate boost of 4 per cent in eastern territories and 2 per cent in other areas. The request for a general 15 per cent rate hike will not apply to certain items, for which specific money amounts of freight increases will be sought.

These include maximum hikes of 10 cents per hundred: pounds on sugar and lumber and 15 cents per hundred pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables. of the best week ends for visitors watch the process. Visitors will welcome at many camps, On Route. 9, above Williamsburg, the camp of Otis Goss will be running. 'Culver's camp in Peru will be busy, and, on Route 116, William Fitzgerald of Conway and R.

G. lowes and Son of Ashfield: will welcome visitors and be glad to explain the process. Sugar on snow may again Lesure's farm in Ashfield. in Li'l Abner Cartoon Contest, April 21 along what you consider the facetest that ought Ito he atop the luscious figure: Al Capp has drawn. Jere's how the contest will work: Contestants shall mail pictures of persons, they consider the "sweet- The pleasant task of looking over the "sweetest entries.

received by The. Union will be given to A three man jury. This jury will select three Western Massachusetts. sent winners, to New whose York for competition in the national contest. 'The first, second and third winners locally will receive CASh awards of $25, $15 and $10.

They'll also have the chance sibly. to SPA their face in Al ('app's LIl Abner cartoon comle strip. President Does Not Expect Him to Resign Either Be- 1 cause of Probe. Washington, March 23 (INS) White House said today President Truman will not ask Ambassador to Mexico William O'Dwyer to resign AR a result of his testimony about links between politics and the underworld while he was mayor of New 3 Will Not Ack Him A spokesman for the President said the chief executive neither expects O'Dwyer to resign nor intends to ask him to quit because of the explosive issue which grew out- of the sensa.tional New York hearings by the Senate Crime Investigating Committee. The statement.

was made despite reports that top administration officials feel O' Dwyer should step out to spare the President further "embarrassment." Sen. Tobey (R-N. colorful momber of the Senate group, meanwhile Continued On Page 7 BOX FACTORY BURNS West Medway, March 23 (AP) Ten workers fled. to safety today when fire: destroyed the Caryville box face tory with damage unofficially estimated -at $40.000. The structure was owned by two brothers, Primo and William Scartissi of Milford.

College Football TV Ban Justice Dept. Inquiry, Asks National Collegiate Athletic Association for planation, in Study of Big Time Sport, Radio Washington, March 23 (AP) The Justice Department said today it has asked the National Collegiate Athletic Association for an explanation of its recent ban on televising college football games, Part of: General In response to inquiries, the department disclosed that, its antitrust division is studying the question as part of its: general scrutiny" of relationships between big-time sport and the radio and television industries. This is the first time that amateur sport hag come into the picture, 'This first time that amateur sport hay come, into, the picture. There wag immediate comment from NCAA. Hugh Willett, member of the University, of Southern California faculty president of NCAA, said he would have no conment until Monday, when he.

expects to receive the letter from the Justice Department, 3. Possible Legal The Justice Department would hot comment on the legal aspects of its latest inquiry, but some legal authorities here are of the opinion that the NOAA can ban the televising of college. football if it. a complete ban. But if some.

games are televised and others are. not, 01 it television rights are given to, one station and not another, then some legal questions may, arise, these authorities commented. The Weather Starting Now and Con- must 'be placed. on the back of all submissions, The name of the subA Continued On Page 11 girl" in the world to the Nancy o. press Editor, Springfield.

Springfeld: Union, Entries 32 Cybe posted to this newspaper office not later than midnight, April 21. The name and address of the contestant Today's, Chuckle Joe: was dead and Jim called on the widow to express his sympathy. "Joe and I were mighty good friends," Jim said. "Isn't there something I could have to remember him by?" Tearfully she raised her. eyes and whispered softly, "Would I do?" Grapetto FORECASTS -Showers, windy and mild Saturday, Highest in upper 40s.

Showers probably changing to snow flurries or squalls by nightfall, ending Saturday eve ning and turning cooler, Clearing and much colder Saturday night. Easter generally fair and unseasonably cold with brisk northerly, TEMPERATURES--In -In the 21-hour period ending at midnight, March 23: Highest, 51 degrees; lowest, 23 degrees; mean, 37 degrees. Precipitation: trace. ALMANAC--Sun rises 5.47, sets 6.07. Light all vehicle lamps at 6.37.

News Index Amusem*nts Tages 12, 13 Cartoons Page 26 City Pages 2, 3, 6, 9 Editorial Page Juvenile Hobby Club Page 15 Doc. Brady Page 8 l'uzzle Page 25 Radio Programs: Pago 17 Social l'age: 14 Sports Pages 20, 21, 23 State House News Page Stray Bits Tage 9 Suburban Pager 18, 19 Winchell Page 17 Woman's Page 15 4. 4. I. 3 3 -G..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

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Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.