New Jersey Public Schools Fact Sheet 2023-2024 (2024)

Most of the information reported is based on data collected in the Fall of the current school year. Dropout rates and graduation rates are based on the previous school year's data.

Total Number of Local Educational Agencies
Local Educational Agencies697
Operating School Districts593
Charter Schools85
Renaissance Schools3
Non-operating School Districts16
Number of Schools
Note: Elementary schools include any combination of preschool to grade eight. Secondary schools include any combination of grades 9 to 12. Schools that include elementary and secondary grades are categorized as Combined (Elementary and Secondary).
Combined (Elementary and Secondary)111
State Aid
State Aid$10.8 billion
Public School Enrollment1.4 million
Charter School Enrollment61,295
Note: Total count of full-time equivalent (FTE) classroom teachers. Fact sheets from previous years provided a head count.
Number of Classroom Teachers117,135
Dropouts (2021-2022)
Dropout Rate1.2%
Graduation Rate (2021-2022)
Four-year Graduation Rate91%
Administrators and Supervisors$136,651
Classroom Teachers$80,270
Educational Support Services$83,969
District Superintendents$187,737
Median Salaries
Note: This section has been calculated using only full-time personnel whose jobs are strictly within the categories listed. If a staff member's job assignments fall into multiple categories, they were not used in the calculation.
New Jersey Public Schools Fact Sheet 2023-2024 (2024)


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.