Dunkirk Evening Observer, Oct 30, 1944, p. 6 (2024)

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Dunkirk Evening Observer, Oct 30, 1944, p. 6 (1)

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Dunkirk Evening Observer (Newspaper) - October 30, 1944, Dunkirk, New YorkDunkirk evening observer monday october 80, 1944 the evening observer _ ran Rio company retrospective of local int Crit from observer Fiu. News Behi i mtg it 1. A con St. 8uu Mcfetr w Airth entered Dunkirk port Oklee m Neon do mall Matte subscription . Cd Aumua county j year. In Pittl tones 1. 2 and 3, other t Carrier per week single copy. 4c. All on Sale at to Dunkirk _ pity monday. October 30. 1944 keep Peck As adviser the resignation of Warren 0. Peck As us of the water and electric depart Twenty years the Akbar band the knights of St. John drum corps and the White Eagle band will participate in the halloween Parade Here Friday night. It it expected to be the largest halloween Parade. Eyer staged in Dunkirk Japan is five year shipbuilding program. Japanese shipping companies have complained that America Britain have bigger and better ships. The los Angeles has started an argument Over the military value of dirigible. Air Force offi urge the building of lighter than air Craft in Case of War John d. Shea statistician announced that americans chewed enough gum last year to Circle the Earth 210 times if the Sticks were placed end to end. The Energy lost in this connection has not been computed. Women s Sailor hats and shoes painted with Sylvan and Marine views Are now making their appearance in the fashion marts. According to statistics the Amer can child takes an average of one Bath a week brushes his Teeth five times a week and attends the dentist s once every two years. Looks like his Tail lashing Days arc Over thirty years assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin d. Roosevelt spoke wednesday evening to a Large group of democrats at the theater. Roosevelt represented the Wilson administration. The chlorine Plant which was put in operation last Spring during the typhoid epidemic is still in operation and runs at a Cost of a month. Hostesses today Alfred Bissikummer mrs. Nicholas and miss Margaret Schank mrs. Hugh Summerlee and mrs. John Ander son. The state department has asked for an explanation of the British seizure at1 Gibraltar of two italian vessels carrying cargoes of Amer ican Copper. It is thought the Bri Tish suspected the Copper of being re consigned to Germany and aus Tria after it had reached italian ports. Washington column sensibilities t0 a Tiff is stat. The municipal util Ity More than 37 years ago As a lineman and after six years of service was elevated to the of both water and electric departments. During his tenure the plants have been enlarged greatly and modernized and this work has been done under his direct supervision. No one Man in the depart ment has a knowledge of the physical makeup of the Board s properties nor of their opera Tion which can even approach that of or. Peck. With his Wise guidance scheduled to be lost when his resignation becomes effective nov. 30, More than Ever before the taxpayers water and electric properties will need sane and Businesslike management such As would be provided by the common Council. Or. Peck after that Date plans to take a vacation and to quote him directly. Should the taxpayers decide to abolish the water Board and Transfer its management to the Council there is Little question but that or. Peck can be induced to serve in an advis Ory capacity. A qualified Engineer will be appointed to serve As superintendent and carry out the actual duties of general supervision Over the costly water and electric plants. But the Council would do Well to create a position of Public utilities advisor and name or. Peck to that salary. The retiring superintendent unofficially has indicated his willingness to serve in such a capacity. Since he has had charge of the installation of most of the new lines Mains and equipment he is familiar with the location of practically every pipe wire etc., in the two systems and at an instant s give advice on action which would require a new Man hours and hours of research. Or. Peck could suggest courses of action to the new superintendent who would then be in charge of actually carrying out the work. Thus taxpayers in the City would have the Benefit of the mature judgment and practical knowledge obtained by a capable Public ser vant Over a Span of nearly 40 years of faithful service. With a restraining Force placed on administration of the water Board s expenditures and management by their Transfer to the Council and with the adoption of the Sugges Tion of obtaining or. Peck in an advisory capacity Dunkirk taxpayers could be positive they would be getting a Businesslike handling of their costly water and electric departments instead of the Slipshod system which now is in effect. Back to Oil americans Haven t suffered much physical hardship during this War but it still will be Good news to Many that Oil furnaces converted to Coal can be reconverted. This obviously will spread our available Coal Over a smaller area and probably banish those Days of real discomfort that some householders experienced in the past two Winters. It May be hoped however that Secretary Ickes is better informed on the abundance of Oil for reconverted furnaces than he seems to have been on the Coal Supply when he first asked for conversion with the implication that there would be plenty of Coal for everybody. Another postwar problem some of London s top tailors Are talking about postwar lounge suits which would but ton at the Throat like the present British Bat the dress thus eliminating the need of collars cravats and probably shirts. And what one wonders is to become of a school by Peter Edson observer Washington correspondent american soldiers held prison ers of War in Germany Are limited by the size of the paper furnished them to less than 100 words on each message sent Back Home through the Swiss government and the International red Cross yet the amount of information they have been Able to crowd into those Short communications of three let ters and four postcards a month offers a constant Surprise to the army s prisoner of War information Bureau in Washington which is frequently called upon to act us translator for the next of Kin who get the messages. Sometimes a German prison Camp censor will see the humor of some of these messages. Writing to an officer Friend one Youns Soldier sent a message Reading boy i certainly could do with a Steak some milk and a quart of scotch. Also a pair wire smoke pistols a tube of Hydrogen and a balloon a helicopter a shovel and a the prize code messages from prisoners of War came not from Germany but from Japan when 16 cards were received in a Batch All nearly identical in praising the. Kindness of the japs How Well they were treated and How Good the food was. One Soldier however gave the big hearted japs an extra plug to want to go even farther than he wrote. I want you Tell it to the army the Navy and particularly Tell it to the marriages and arranged All kinds of Odd jobs Are Given to the red Cross and the prisoner of War information Bureau in keeping straight the threads in the tangled skeins of life for these prisoners of War. One prisoner in Germany exchanged marriage vows with the girl he left behind him. Divorces have been arranged for several and in one Case a divorce was con tested at the Soldier s direction. One thing the censors Are particular about is taking out All gos sip that might cause the men in prison Camps worry. If some old scandal Monger writes a kind note to Tell the Soldier that if he comes Home and learns that his wife has been running around he need t be surprised it is deleted. Prisoners buy War Bonds change their pay allotments direct How their personal affairs shall be handled in their absence. Two corporals feeling grateful for what the red Cross had done for them in prison Camps directed that the pay held in Trust for them by the army be Given that organization. There Are cases of mixed identities to straighten out caused by thoughtless comrades in arms who May have swapped1 identification dog tags As tokens of Friendship or As souvenirs. Later one of men May be captured the other returned Home and discharged. In Orre such Case the parents of one Man held in a p. W. Camp in Ger Many have to write their son under another name because to the German authorities the Man s name is the name found on his dog tag even if it did once be Long to his buddy. Another one of these mixed identity cases which took a Deal of straightening out concerned the four Man Crew of an army plane shot Down Over Germany. Three of the Crew were killed. On the fourth Man seriously injured and taken to a prison Hospital there were found items of clothing Bear ing four different names. Civilian p. Cause greatest perplexity worst my ups however have come from civilians who were in Manila at the time of the Jap in Vasion and who joined Macar thur s forces without proper induction into the armed services. Captured later on Bataan and re ported now by the japanese As prisoners of War they present difficult cases for proper identification. It took eight months to locate relatives and properly identify the former superintendent of a Public utilities company who be came one of Macarthur s communications officers on Bataan. In another Case a prisoner identified Only As from Springfield was put in touch with his family Only after letters had been sent ers of All 22 Springfields. Enemy propaganda broadcasts from their prisoners of War offer another source of information and communication. One of these broadcasts a Man reported dead was actually found to be alive and a prisoner of War. They knew it was he be cause he mentioned receiving let ters from Uncle Harry and Uncle Al. A _ i was yanked into the ditch said a Young englishwoman to a policeman making notes of her car s collision with an american truck. Com. In no Wrd Ici. Inc. M a v. T. Fat. Orr. Am. A Puram Knupper Minni Tan setup to lie Down and qty 10-so 1 Washington oct. And thistles from the political feed boxes elder financial philosopher of the administration Bernard Baruch told senators he too is worried about the election. Not that he deeply doubts or. R. Will pull through somehow. But he does not know it not sure o f the precise f condition of the electorate. For the first time in history the top men know Little More than tiie Bottom. How could unto liable votes in the the threat of secret negative balloting the tremendous shifts of War worker populations and the polls showing the critical states of new York and Pennsylvania divided almost 50-50. All my inner lines hint Penn Sylvania will go surprisingly for d , despite the polls and the Cio which together Are giving the Edge conclusively to or. Roose velt. An unusual Job of organizing has been done there by governor Edward Martin a dec purple heart major general of Spanish world wars i and ii service. The Cio s organizing has been flashy. The Martin work apparently has been effective. Incomplete published registration figures show majority for the Republican s. While the state has voted for Roosevelt with a majority registered Republican in the past such a head reversal of registered sentiment is not indicated by any noticeable develop ment this time. Both the republicans and democrats offer apparently genuine claims for new York. Any objective analysis would leave it close. In the last few Days the new Deal Democrat have developed an idea they will get a majority up state but this is opium smoke. There is inner talk furthermore about the ardor of tammany. What is left of that local demo cratic machine got together with the communist led american la Bor party on some congressional candidates but with How Tiuch remaining Tongue in Cheek no one knows. If Roosevelt wins the Cio s Hillman can become Boss of new York. Quite a few tammany ites will hardly wish to Clear anything with Sidney. The Best democratic authority Here on doubtful Massachusetts democratic mind you says Dewey will carry it As will Sal Tonstall running for the Senate although the gubernatorial race is in doubt. He counts on a split in the Irish vote and the popular organization of governor Salton stall. Dewey wins two of these states Pennsylvania new York and Massachusetts he will win the election. The professional Wager ers however Are still laying 13 to 5 on Roosevelt nationally be Lieving As does or. Baruch that he will pull through somehow the Ball deflection in Minnesota is not Likely to count in the re sults for this reason while governor Stassen was one of Willkie s Best friends he could not carry the state for any one but himself. If his influence was so limited How can one of his appointees have any important in fluence most authorities count the state for Dewey on the farm vote plus coolness toward world peace proposals that v have aroused other sections particularly the East i cannot bring myself to believe it but the authority i respect most on Kentucky says Dewey by 000. This same authority predicted the astonishing Republican gubernatorial Victory there several months in Advance. Keep Missouri doubtful1 am possible for Roosevelt because the Truman Hannegan boys will do the counting and the counting could have As much to do with the result As the voting. Or. Roosevelt always was hailed As the Luckiest t Politico alive. He could ride to a speech in pouring rain Only to have the Sun emerge at precisely the proper moment. His Luck has been a White House byword. This Campaign has shown some signs of change. The weather broke badly for his new York Triumph. Delays in the european Campaign came at the wrong time for Campaign laurels. The Jap Fleet defeat broke bet Ter but the revolution in Spain was distinctly untimely in View of religious sensitivity Over the Rise of Russia and the Hillman Browder connection with the Campaign. Clearly More Oats Are develop ing for Dewey More thistles for Roosevelt. No substitute y. Dewolfe chairman of the far mers for Roosevelt committee criticized gov. Thomas e. Dewey s farm speech delivered at Syracuse saturday by claiming that the Republican presidential candidate had sharply attacked the Federal farm program but that he himself has offered no substitute to take its the observer regu Broadway in Holly Wood by Jack Gaver new York girls and sox battalion Are going to get featured Billing locally As if they needed it during the sixth War loan drive next month. The War activities committee of the motion picture Industry has chosen miss Phynis Brooks of Syracuse Broadway and Holly Wood to be its official pin up girl and will see to it that photographs of her go to go s All Over the world is designated by Bond buyers. Miss Brooks who is equally at on a Broadway stage or a Hollywood set was chosen not Only because she meets certain pin up specifications in the mat Ter of face and figure but also has been a vociferous advocate of plenty of girl pictures for the boys Ever since she toured the Pacific War zones with a troupe of entertainers. The actress talked about the matter yesterday morning As she Lay in bed with breakfast tray on one Side and Telephone on the other pair ing through a Box of new dresses. Some time ago there was a lot of talk about cutting Down on pin up Art in order to save a she said. That caused me to hit the roof. Unless you be seen it you can t possibly know How much those pictures mean to the who have been in isolated spots for a year or More. Anyway the curtailment plan died a Quick death and i Don t think it will be suggested the official pictures of miss Brooks will show her in a Low Cut evening gown which is being designed especially by a Holly Wood studio she favors dressed up pictures As Long As not too much is hidden to Bath ing suit poses. Sexier she thinks the boys think. The Bobby ockers Are going to the object of a special Selling Effort with Frank Sinatra Figur ing in the play. Every one of the girls who buys a Bond will get a number. The numbers will be placed in a bowl and after a week or so one number will be drawn out. The Holder of the Lucky figure will get a thorough Glamor izing treatment from Eddie sen show business makeup expert and a Complete evening dress outfit from one of the leading stores. Then she will have a Date with Sinatra at the Wedgewood room of the Wal Dorf Astoria where he will be singing at that time. The War activities committee has a broken heart Over a sure fire stunt that had to be abandoned. The idea was to have sin Atra a Handy boy with his fists engage in an exhibition bout with Benny Leonard former great lightweight Champion in Madison Square Garden. Sinatra was will ing and so was Leonard. Then the Singer s management turned thumbs Down because it feared that no matter How careful sin Atra and Leonard might be there was always a Chance that some thing might go amiss and Sinatra get Hurt. Koom options Boom a new method of speculation is reported from Torquay eng land where options on hotel and boarding House rooms Are bought at approximately each. The purchasers then meet trains and sell their options for from to buyers of the options make no protest because they find the City so full of people they Are Happy to obtain rooms at the advanced rate. Chile plans to produce More edible oils to ship to the United states. By Erskin e Johnson Nea service correspondent behind the screen every time director Ernest Lubitsch meets Virginia Bruce he winks at her and says coyly was it a Nice dream your there s quite a Story behind it dating Back to Virginia s first speaking role in the love Jeanette Macdonald and Maurice Chevalier were the stars. At the time she was living with her father Mother and Young brother Stan in a two room apartment. Papa and Little brother took turns sleeping on a mattress on the floor. Papa was Selling real estate and Virginia was trying to land a movie Job. Finally it happened. She was cast in the love Parade and the family of course figured she was the Star. But Virginia had Only seven words to say As the leading lady in Jeannette. Jeanette turned to her in one. Scene and said i had a dream last and Virginia replied was it a Nice dream your the family chuckled derisively and predicted Virginia would never see her name in lights. It was Only one line of dialog but stardom and Fame were just around the Corner. Straight up. Or Over sir c. Aubrey Smith has appeared opposite three generations of feminine stars and does t mind admitting it. In fact All the hens in his Chicken Yard Are named for his favourites including such celebrities Eva Moore and Maude Adams to such contemporary stars As Tallulah Bankhead and Joan Blondell with whom he s been working at the moment in Bon this Story he tells with relish. All but one of the hens had a prolific egg laying record. When the recalcitrant Hen finally came through sir Aubrey burst excitedly into a Tea party his wife was giving with the announcement at last Tallulah has Laid an v i too bad the cameras photograph the Best comedy of the off stage feud Between Sonja Henie and Michael o Shea during filming of it s a it All started when Sonja protested that Mike was handling her too roughly in a love scene. Spoke up o Shea you have no More sex Appeal for me than a picket from there on the riot was on with no words barred. Sight of the week Little mar Garet o Brien signing autographs for a group of kids outside the main Gate at my a. When Greer Garson walks by Margaret deserts her fans to get Greer s autograph other Day we quoted scenarist Morris Ryskind As saying his lat est script was terrific. Wires mor Rie i am not the most modest Guy in the world but i never have said any such thing about any thing i Ever had a hand in and How right i be bus was never missed in the Good old prewar Days Hollywood could rent an entire Railroad if needed for a motion picture scene. But times have changed As illustrated by a 40 passenger bus used in the Danny Kaye comedy the wonder the bus could be used Only three hours daily the off hours of the local transport system. It was driven to the studio at 11 o clock and quickly Given a coat of the distinctive Maroon paint of the Brooklyn system in place of the los Angeles yellow. At 2 o clock the Brooklyn paint Job a Quick drying water com Pound was washed off and the bus returned for the late afternoon Peak traffic. Can depend on u. P. That body yours by James w. Nav sitting of the anxious seat too much and too often when i am tired or age had sufficient sleep i find concerned about Ordinary tasks and feel that other tub a would ordinarily attempt meth Large to tackle. Similarly the War or other news is not my i sometimes find myself Dean i and have to give myself a awl to heart talk in order to i believe the majority of had women undergo these Fri item at times even our most hot to specimens. When the discouraged or it pressed feeling is present if most of the time there mat by i cause for it either mental. The physical canst it often infection Teeth Tonia. Gums sinuses Gall bladder. The mental or emotional Are just As often to blast cause fear worry anxiety. I up the blood pressure Speed 9 the heart keep the Cervel my Muscles tense and bring of i till or tiredness just As surely by physical work. In medical clinics of of eff or. Nolan d. C. Lwi director new York state it Chi Atric Hospital new York states that patients who Gertsl anxiety reactions Are in Neri organized and systematic ment for their emotions Cho therapy. When a is not available Assurance karate information re Gordini disorder and suggestive Mulji which develop courage Are Hefta and often successful. Under influence of simple and Assurance a High Wood sure in an emotional patient drop 20 to 30 Points in the of a few minutes. Such a is common in patients from physician to phys Tjia have their blood or. Lewis Points out Thi Man beings have emotional Cha isms that work outside awareness or our common or logical not control these Cha isms As it does other ties. If then we find ourself a Ous or worried yet therms reason for our anxiety is no infection present taking the fight out of us to our family doctor Chia Trist would be a Good ment of time and Money. Neurasthenia mental and physical called Mon these Days. Send for or. A ton s helpful leaflet on edition entitled Neur Astuena. Obtain it just Send five Coin preferred to handling1 and mailing care of Box 75, station of new n. Y. Mother Waits m to join Walker up Lanna Bolen a Busy farm with two sons in service 10 Miles from her Home Ker recently to of villagers going to St. A blood donation. Mrs. Bolen says she three sons in service Ter she met a Young bus who said he had to return to because heed in an institution him then and there Ana writes every week to her i sons. Eire is studying heat;

Dunkirk Evening Observer, Oct 30, 1944, p. 6 (2024)


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